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Firstly, the books/comics. Nobody's Library, The Emperor's Hound, A Pocketful of Clouds, Views From Another Place, Allsorts, All That Matters, Looking for the Sun, Patchwork Sky, Ambient Rhythm, Sun Fish Moon Fish, Trade Winds, Defenders of the Sunset City, the Mini Murder Mysteries, Jigsaw Pieces (collections of short stories) and Artifaxis are available to buy through Sweatdrop Studios (see below for links). Concerning Research, however, is currently out of print. I have also participated in five anthologies, Sugardrops, Pink is for Girls, Stardust, Drop Dead Monstrous, and Swords, Ships & Suplexes, which are available through Sweatdrop. Reya is available to buy online from Markosia. Some of the graphic novels (A Pocketful of Clouds, Ambient Rhythm, Looking for the Sun, Patchwork Sky and Sun Fish Moon Fish) can be ordered through Amazon as well as the Sweatdrop online shop, but that depends on Amazon's stock.

Nobody's Library volume 1
Nobody's Library vol 1 Kindle ebook (Amazon)
Nobody's Library vol 1 other ebook options
Nobody's Library vol 1 epub or pdf

Nobody's Library volume 2
Nobody's Library vol 2 Kindle ebook (Amazon)
Nobody's Library vol 2 other ebook options
Nobody's Library vol 2 epub or pdf

Nobody's Library volume 3
Nobody's Library vol 3 Kindle ebook (Amazon)
Nobody's Library vol 3 other ebook options
Nobody's Library vol 3 epub or pdf

The Emperor's Hound
The Emperor's Hound Kindle ebook (Amazon)
The Emperor's Hound other ebook options
The Emperor's Hound epub or pdf

Looking for the Sun volume 1
Looking for the Sun volume 2
Looking for the Sun volume 3
Looking for the Sun volume 4
Looking for the Sun volumes 1-4 (discount price for all four)
The above pages have links to the individual issues as well.
Volume 1 of Looking for the Sun is also available online from United Publications.

Patchwork Sky vol 1
Patchwork Sky vol 2

Trade Winds
Trade Winds - Kindle ebook (Amazon)
Trade Winds - other ebook options (free!)
Trade Winds - epub or pdf (free!)

A Pocketful of Clouds volume 1
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 2
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 3
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 4
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 5
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 6
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 7
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 8
A Pocketful of Clouds volumes 1-8 (bundle discount)

Ambient Rhythm Prelude
Ambient Rhythm Volume 1 (includes the prelude)
Ambient Rhythm Volume 2

Sun Fish Moon Fish collected edition
Sun Fish Moon Fish kindle ebook (Amazon)
Sun Fish Moon Fish - other ebook options (free!)
Sun Fish Moon Fish - epub or pdf (free!)

Sun Fish Moon Fish: Pilot Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Puffer Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Lyre Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Red Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Sand Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Wary Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Jewel Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Fire Fish Story
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Epilogue
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Comic Pack 1 (1-4)
Sun Fish Moon Fish: Comic Pack 2 (5-8)

Views From Another Place (English)
Views From Another Place (Russian)


All That Matters

Artifaxis bundle (includes the entire comic, a watercolour painting and a hama bead character)

Defenders of the Sunset City: Aliya (now sold out; these are limited edition comics and will not be reprinted)
Defenders of the Sunset City: Vazha
Defenders of the Sunset City: Mikkel
Defenders of the Sunset City: Alena
Defenders of the Sunset City: Ganzorig
Defenders of the Sunset City: Mallow

Jigsaw Pieces 1 (Collection of four illustrated short stories)
Jigsaw Pieces 2 (Collection of four more illustrated short stories)
Jigsaw Pieces 3 (Collection of another four illustrated short stories)

Mini Murder Mysteries: Birds of a Feather
Mini Murder Mysteries: The Early Bird
Mini Murder Mysteries: Bird in the Hand
Mini Murder Mysteries: Two Birds, One Stone
Mini Murder Mysteries: Bird's Eye View

Sugardrops (contains a sane rewriting of Fake Wings)
Stardust (contains Reya)
Pink is for Girls (contains Unheard Harmony).
Drop Dead Monstrous (contains Cold Blood - no preview available)
Swords, Ships & Suplexes (contains A Different Kind of Adventure - no preview available)

toothycat.net is copyright Sergei and Morag Lewis