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Click on BNF: AlexChurchill/BathroomPraiseGenerator...

bnf ::= sentences
sentences ::= sentence space sentence | sentence space sentences
sentence ::= sentencebase . | sentencebase . | sentencebase ", " sentenceend .
sentencebase ::= "The " praiseadjective space bathroom space impressverbs space humanityobject | "With a " bathroom ", " humanitysubject " can " cleanverb " their " necessity | "A " bathroom " allows " humanityobject " to " funverb space funtarget | "Even " funtarget " can " usefulverb " with a " bathroom | "A " bathroom " allows one to proactively " achieve " one's " megadreams | "A " bathroom " is the " superlative space realisationnoun " in cleansing technology" | "A " bathroom " provides the " superlative " in acoustics" | conditionalAdjectivephrase ", a " bathroom " will " adverb space bathroomverb | sillysentence

sentenceend ::= sentenceendsymbol
sentenceendsymbol ::= "symbolising the " funaction " of " humanityobject " into a " superlative space nirvanaword | "resulting in both physical and mental " nirvanaword

sillysentence ::= conditionalAdjectivephrase ", a range of 400 miles at a cruising altitude of 10,000ft is achievable with the " bathroom | "A new life awaits you in the space colonies, with a free " bathroom " for every successful applicant" | "With a " bathroom ", " humanitysubject " will soon be able to experience a " superlative space realisationnoun " to match the " nirvanaword " of " humanityobject

impressverbs ::= realiseverbs " the " megadreams " of" | "is the " superlative space realisationnoun " of the " megadreams " of" |
realiseverbs ::= realises | "has realised" | attains | "has attained" | actualises | reifies | "brings about" | achieves | "brings to fruition" | fulfils | perfects
realisationnoun ::= "realisation" | attainment | actualisation | reification | achievement | culmination | fruition | fulfillment | perfection | journey

megadreams ::= dreams | superlative space dreams
dreams ::= "dreams" | aspirations | desires | needs | ambitions | imaginings | visions | aims | goals | hopes | purposes | designs
superlative ::= ultimate | deepest | "most vital" | eternal | paramount | supreme | utmost | tautological | Web 2.0 | holistic

humanitysubject ::= <myform::=subject> humanity
humanityobject ::= <myform::=object> humanity
humanity ::= "the entire human race" | "humanity" | everybody | usall##myform | humankind | society
humanitypossessive ::= "the entire human race's" | "humanity's" | everybody's | "all of our" | humankind's | society's | "end users'"
usall_subject ::= "we all"
usall_object ::= "us all"

cleanverb ::= clean | wash | preserve | bathe | cauterise | cleanse | disinfect | edulcorate | elutriate | flush | launder | mop | polish | purify | rinse | sanitise | scrub | soak | soap | sponge | sterilise
necessity ::= health | body | clothes | children | home

funaction ::= ascent | descent | sidling | realisationnoun | realisationnoun
funverb ::= impress | entertain | "inspire awe in" | intimidate
funtarget ::= "the neighbours" | "our children" | passers-by | "visiting dignitaries" | terrorists

usefulverb ::= cleanverb | funverb | otherverb
otherverb ::= "be somebody" | "feel good" | "partake of " humanitypossessive space superlative space achievements

conditionalAdjectivephrase ::= conditionalAdverb space verbed | conditionalAdverb space verbed | "When " verbed " with the full set of accessories"
conditionalAdverb ::= Properly | Efficiently | Appropriately
adverb ::= easily | magnificently | impressively | overwhelmingly | quickly | inspiringly
bathroomverb ::= "pay for itself within a few weeks" | "allow " humanityobject " to " cleanverb " their " necessity
verbed ::= installed | activated | wielded | cleanverbed | purchased
cleanverbed ::= cleaned | washed | preserved | bathed | cauterised | cleansed | disinfected | edulcorated | elutriated | flushed | laundered | mopped | polished | purified | rinsed | sanitised | scrubbed | soaked | soaped | sponged | sterilised

nirvanaword ::= arcadia | beyond | bliss | Canaan | dreamland | ecstasy | Elysium | enchantment | "eternal rest" | eternity | fairyland | felicity | firmament | glory | "great unknown" | happiness | harmony | height | hereafter | immortality | "life everlasting" | "next world" | nirvana | paradise | "promised land" | rapture | Shangri-la | sky | transport | utopia | wonderland | Zion | convergence

bathroom ::= "bathroom" | praiseadjective space bathroom
praiseadjective ::= all-conquering | almighty | awe-inspiring | magnificent | sublime | eminent | exalted | glorious | gorgeous | heavenly | majestic | resplendent | transcendent

space ::= " "
option ::= spaces = 0

In case anyone asks why: I received this email today...

Alex! Just the man!

I'm trying to find an answer to a most pressing question. I'm sure you could come up with a good one.
I told my friend our bathroom was pretty much out of action. His response was "Whatever do you want a bathroom for?" I've had a go at answering but I need a little help. I'm trying to build up an archive of thoughts on bathrooms. I've only had one good response so far so it would really be appriciated.

E.g. "The bathroom is the pinnacle of modern civilization, symbolising the ascent of man into a tautological nirvana. It inspires creative nuances surpassing any great work of art and has the capacity to arouse even the most dull-witted creature into a scholarly stupefaction."

(PeterTaylor) With a warm climate, a large receptable, and a supply of water to said receptacle, one doesn't need a bathroom. Yes, I am speaking from experience.

Request for those good with generators?  How can I link this one to my technology generator (with suitable subst for the word 'bathroom')?  Because it'd make for an absolutely perfect ridiculous marketing text generator in general.  Perfection, AC, perfection by BNF.  --Vitenka
SandBox/Generator will shortly acquire a combination of the two :) --AC (This ended up at BNF: Vitenka/TechnologyAdvertGenerator.)
"Even passers-by can soak with a (Darkside / Commodore-Dockyards) Prime Drive. A Argo Flash Kit allows humanity to inspire awe in passers-by, symbolising the ascent of humankind into a tautological next world. With a "Bes 600 " 18kW Armour, society can clean their children. A Rifle allows society to impress our children." Meep! - MoonShadow
It is indeed classic.  Even better than I had hoped for.  Thank you terribly much :)  --Vitenka
"Even terrorists can entertain with a Stun Device. With a Neutroniuum Blade Technology, humankind can mop their body. The glorious majestic ionix Personal Technology has realised the aspirations of us all. A sublime gorgeous sublime heavenly glorious decion allows society to impress visiting dignitaries. With a Stealth Drive, society can edulcorate their home." This reads like a cross between the Innovations catalogue, the Exalted charm list, and George W. Bush. I will second MoonShadow's Meep! --SF

Anime now exists about a time-travelling bath-designer. I can only assume they used a generator.


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Last edited January 13, 2012 8:00 pm (viewing revision 36, which is the newest) (diff)