| ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login A course devised by Anglican?Evangelical charismatic?Christians from a Londonchurch named HolyTrinityBrompton?. Its intention is to give a /basic introduction/ to the Christian faith. It is available on a set of video?s which feature the pastor of the above church, NickyGumbel? giving talks. Alternatively, it can be obtained as a set of discussion notes. It is frequently used by churches as an evangelistic aid. When used well, it is good at encouraging constructive questions about [Christianity] by those who are not Christian, but are open to becoming so. When used badly, it tends to be reviewed in Sunday newspaper supplements! It features a weekend away known as TheHolySpiritWeekend?. It is usually tied with eating meals and SocialContact?. It has been taken and used in many contexts and is arguably an ecumenical tool.
Some people do not like it because they argue that, as a course originating from Anglican?s, it does not teach about the sacraments. Some people do not like it because they are not 'charismatic' and object to the teaching given with regard to the HolySpirit. These people might prefer ChristianityExplored. Some people do not like it because they think that it is not rigorous enough.
On a related note, there also exist the EmmausCourse?, the YCourse?, ChristianityExplored and the VisaCourse?. Of these, the AlphaCourse is the most popular and the most famous.