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Obviously scared of the RinFanClub ;)

We're not scary.  Really. -- Senji
Well, you're certainly not anonymous, so maybe that disqualifies you... --Kazuhiko
Oh, I was speaking with my RFC hat on... :) -- Senji 
And hence Senji was claiming that the RinFanClub aren't scary. Despite himself being a not-so-AnonymousMegaeraFan.  In the same way that certain of us might support both the WikiMtGConspiracy and the WikiConspiracyConspiracy, for example, even when they're competing against each other.  --AnonymousConspirator??
I didn't say I was a Megaera Fan (any more, that is, than your random PF character).  -- Senji (looking at spade in hand).
I can confirm that Senji is not the AnonymousMegaeraFan -- AnonymousMegaeraFan
But you could be just saying that - CorkScrew
Indeed, he could...

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Last edited January 5, 2006 12:34 pm (viewing revision 17, which is the newest) (diff)