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Well, you can't get more physical than this! ^^;

Details [here].

IDenyEverything - and you won't find me in the archives, either. -- TheInquisitor
And you wont find this bunny in there either -- Delph
Bunny!  *bounce* -- Senji
Oi! Only offically certified bunnies are allowed to bounce. -- Delph
I found the bunny again! ( Sally ) Can I bounce, Delph?
Why certainly Sally
Are tiggers allowed to bounce too? - CorkScrew (who has just had an idea for his next assassins nickname...)

On a slightly more serious note, Sheffield Assassin's Guild have got themselves in a bit of [trouble] :(
I hope all the umpirical commands to decorate weapons with happy PastelSparklies and so on have been taken note of - SunKitten (who isn't playing this term)

I think looking at the above that CategoryVoices may also be appropriate.
SeeAlso [SockWars].

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Last edited August 18, 2006 3:16 pm (viewing revision 20, which is the newest) (diff)