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Interesting, fun - and seemingly based upon the cartoon.

And nobody warned me that we'd be getting the best Alfred of all time!

SpoilerWarning: Random comments by Vitenka including the end of the film follow.











Basic plot, then.
Bruce Wayne falls down a hole and gets a phobia of bats.  He then sees his parents killed - so far all as per standard history.
This is revealed in flashback.  Since then he's been beating up criminals in prison (both him and the criminals) and then being trained by ninja.  Flashback again to his attempting to take the life of the guy who shot his parents.  (Big character change there)
Flash forward to present day.  Villains of the piece are a pointless mafia-alike and the scarecrow.  Batman gets many fancy toys and takes them both down, in the process trhe audience is told that a microwave is the mcguffin of the piece.  Bats doens't actually find out about its existence until the eleventh hour, whereupon ninjas attack and it blows up.
The end.
But along the way we meet the best Alfred ever, and a pretty good Gordon (not yet commissioner)

Should be a GOOD series of films.

Oddest moment (though not completely off the wall if you've watched the cartoon / followed the comics) - Batman being trained by Tibetan ninjas.  (Who are seemingly French.  And straight out of the LeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen.)
They take responsibility for the fall of rome, the great fire of london... pretty much all of history.  This is in the intro.  --Vitenka

Best moment - Scarecrow's takedown.  Whole cinema giggled.
Oh well, since I've been SpoilerWarning 'ed  (I thought I was being nice and vague) I'd just like to say... Taser to the face!  :)  --Vitenka

Worst moment - when the macguffin, finally derailed and prevented from destroying the city - explodes.  Why?  The 'ambiguous death' had been well enough set up with the train smashing through the carpark - exploding was just silly.  And as far as anyone could see it was an electric train, too...

Most divergent history - how many people know about his true identity by the end of the film?

Most divergent character - Batman pretty actively tries to kill someone.  "I don't have to save you".  This was a choice he made in the stories they compressed down to the film, but one he agonised over there and led to interesting 'losing himself' stories later.  Here, the film just ended instead.

Most hollywood - Boys and their toys.  Gadgets galore, all in oh so matt 'not chrome but not plastic honest'.
On second thoughts, the ancestral home being blatantly somewhere in Kent, yet seemingly in the center of the city is quite a good one.  --Vitenka

Most un-hollywood - Lack of girl getting!

CGI bats boiding looks very pretty.

And there are sooo many trailers for upcoming sci-fi, it's untrue.  Most of it looks action hollywood on top of a basic sci-fi plot - but it's a good thing anyway.
We've even got a live action remake of MacrossPlus!  (Named 'stealth' and not actually macross.  Honest.)

(Films include 'the island' (of doctor moreau - a film about cloning and "I'm the real me".)  'Stealth' (Stealth plane AI goes self aware during testing and the rest of the TopGun? test-pilot crew have to take it out.  Features much CGI.) and of course 'war of the worlds' (presented very much as a war film, oddly) and 'fantastic four' (I guess it had to happen.. yeesh.) )

Something (paraphrased) I've seen on another forum and wholeheartedly agree with.  "Other batman films have been categorised by villain - and why not?  The TV series was.  'The one with the joker' 'the one with penguin' 'the one we try to forget with arnie' and so on.  This one can be sensibly described as 'The one with batman in'."
We actually see a bit of his planning, the thinking that lets him pull so much 'right place, right time' stuff out of his hat.  Redundant schemes for coping with bad things, so that when things go wrong, they still go right.  It's not hammerred home, but it's nice to see.  --Vitenka (again)

I very much enjoyed this film. This was Batman, not some superhero running around in spandex beating people up For Justice. He was human and dark and fallible, and real, and I liked that. It captured the mood of the Dark Knight comics etc. quite well. Oh - and Michael Caine deserves another Oscar. I loved his performance as Alfred; it was quite perfect in every detail, from the accent to the walk to the mannerisms, everything. And he managed to do so much with the limited lines he had, my brain ended up turning them into speeches worthy of Shakespeare. It says much for the rest of the film that Caine's performance was not the only thing I shall remember it for. --Requiem


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Last edited June 24, 2005 11:29 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)