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Convention Operations

The group at a convention who try to co-ordinate the other groups, or at least distribute the disasters to the right people.  This group exists at both FanimeCon and AnimeExpo? but I image a similar group must exist at any convention.

AKA the cat herders.

However, they don't actually do anything themselves, they get others to do it for them. The people who do things at conventions are called gophers. --Tsunami
Or, in the case of Fanime?, voles (volunteers) or rovers. --K
Varsity Oxbridge Light EntertainerS? --CH

Like CoinOps?, but dedicated to duping players into losing their money unfairly.

CategoryAbbreviation CategoryPlace (at a con') CategoryAnime (for anime cons) CategoryKittenTechnicalMatters (for kitten technical matters cons).
CategoryNotWhatItWasSupposedToBeAbout (Yes it was? --K) (My comment on CoinOps? wasn't --CH)

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Last edited February 8, 2012 3:08 pm (viewing revision 9, which is the newest) (diff)