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Scriptwriters go on holiday for an episode.  Directors draft in the LSD-addicted son of the janitor to write the script for one episode.  Viewers watch with mouths agape at elephants rowing a boat on a stormy sea - actually, they were surfing - SunKitten -, and characters saying "She risked her life to make me that curry!"

The term was originally coined based on Episode 8 of RevolutionaryGirlUtena, but a number of other anime have such an episode also.
Some anime (ExcelSaga) could pass for every episode being a CurryEpisodeRunAndHide from these anime.

CategoryAnime, usually. SeeAlso TwoMinutesOfCrack

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Last edited May 13, 2004 12:04 pm (viewing revision 4, which is the newest) (diff)