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Since almost all revealed cards are "officially" revealed by Wizards now, they've started keeping a full record of all officially revealed cards at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=magic/morningtide/preview . So there are many cards up there (24, as of 2nd January). Discuss them here.

SpoilerSpace! The discussion which follows includes cards officially previewed, but not previewed on articles on magicthegathering.com.















Primal Beyond is interesting (specifically in contrast with the Lorwyn two-colour tribe lands). It's an interesting drawback that still remains a non-drawback in an Elemental deck, and is yet still far more of a drawback in other decks.
Rustic Clachan is also interesting - they seem to have given up on making Kithkin green at all, and instead gone for a combat-trick land, which Kithkin-heavy decks will certainly be happy to see.
Now there just remains the Treefolk land, which seems likely to care about Forests in some way or be a Forest.
And as MTG: Hunter of Eyeblights hinted, and the Reinforce mechanic further suggested, there's confirmation of cards caring about +1/+1 counters, in Sage of Fables, which looks like a very strong card for limited. --AlexChurchill
Stomping Slabs is odd. I can't see it being played much in Constructed, but at uncommon it'll be harder to pull off in Limited. --ChrisHowlett
Indeed... although I suppose they'll certainly be late picks. The only marginal plus side I can see to it is that it can benefit from clashes. --AlexChurchill
Point of fact, it's worse in "proper" limited even than that, since you'll only get one pack of Morningtide. --CH
Indeed. Perhaps a card that will only ever be played at the prerelease drafts. --AC
...Or, I suppose, after emptying one's library with something like MTG: Morality Shift, followed by repeated use of a MTG: Soldevi Digger, MTG: Anurid Scavenger, or MTG: Battlefield Scrounger. Hmm... --AC

Reinforce looks like a fairly powerful mechanic, expecially for combat-heavy Limited. Kinship could prove very interesting to build around. And Meadowboon shows an obvious but very interesting direction for Evoke. It's no longer "obviously better" to pay for it to stick around. --CH
As you say - obvious, but interesting. And MTG: Momentary Blink combos with the non-evoked form even better than the evoked form, in this case. Reinforce does indeed look nice, as it's instant speed. --AC
Weirding Shaman is MTG: Goblin Warrens on a 2/1 for 2, which is certainly interesting. I had lots of fun with MTG: Goblin Warrens, back in the day. --AC
I've just spotted the Weirding Shaman's flavour text. It features an unusual localisation. --CH

Maralen is a seriously funky effect. I'm thinking MTG: Aven Mindcensor, and MTG: Shadow of Doubt... --CH
I'd play her in a multiplayer game even without ways to specifically abuse her effect. (Just, you know, with a deck containing 3 different 3-part combos, or something.) Awesome card. --AC
Good point. She looked completely symmetric; I hadn't considered that the way to break the symmetry was simply to be a Johnny! --CH
Unstoppable Ash is a bit weird. Perhaps rather disappointing to draw as your rare. Unless there's another Doran-like card in Morningtide, I suppose. The Turn 1 MTG: Treefolk Harbinger, Turn 3 MTG: Doran, the Siege Tower, Turn 4 Unstoppable Ash (championing the Harbinger) draw would certainly be scary.
And interestingly, Kinsbaile Borderguard cares about all kinds of counters, not just +1/+1 counters. I wonder what ways to abuse that there are? --AC
I'm sure there are far better things, but MTG: Unstable Mutation was the first thing to come to my mind. --Edwin
Hmm. Suboptimal synergy with the Borderguard's inherent ability, due to [420.5n]. But yes, things like that could be good. --AC
Ah, I didn't know about that rule. --Edwin
Kinship has been reminding me of something for a while, and the Pyroclast Consul has just helped me put my finger on it. It's like Spiritcraft - in this case, MTG: Earthshaker. --AC
And I've just spotted that you are not required to reveal the top of your library. Which makes it a soupçon more strategically interesting. --CH
Indomitable Ancients isn't that exciting - it's another in the MTG: Kami of Old Stone mould - but it's a bit insane with Doran! Rage Forger and Winnower Patrol add quite a bit of potency to the +1/+1 counter theme. --CH
Yes, I'd rather have a [10/2 for 4 mana] than a 2/10 for 4 mana. Although the MTG: Kami of Old Stone comparison is comical: just slightly stricter coloured mana requirements to get +1/+3! The Frogtosser Banneret, on the other hand, is surprisingly potent. If the set has a version of Planeshift's cycle of Familiars, I'll be happy.
Interesting also how the Banneret, Kinship and so on seem to be pushing not so much "classes" as a theme, so much as "both creature types matter".
Rage Forger seems to be part of a tight cycle with Sage of Fables. --AC

January 7th

[Leaf-Crowned Elder]. Soooo... we'll let you play the fattest creatures in the set for free, one an upkeep? Nice.
That does indeed look strong. And someone on the forum points out the delightful possibility of combining MTG: Runed Stalactite with a Kinship card, to give you benefits off every single creature or tribal card in your deck. --AC

[Rhys the Exiled]. That could get annoying.
''Blech. Yes indeed it could. An irritating lifegain elf, but with added resiliency (if the player is also in black). --AC

Oona's Blackguard is previewed on the mainpage; and squinting at the Arcana posters reveals (possibly among pther interesting things) that Elvish Warrior is being reprinted. Which makes staple sense.

January 10th

So, today's two cards are "fixed" versions of two very old, somewhat broken cards. And I like the little nods in each flavourtext! --CH

January 14th

I giggle that MaRo thinks there aren't any non-main-class cards previewed, when Scarblade Elite is listed as having been previewed 3 days earlier. It's a bit of a Johnny card, but quite strong in a dedicated deck.
Interesting that they're printing Idyllic Tutor in Morningtide. I guess it's like the way they put Copy Enchantment in Ravnica, and like that one, I'll be after a few of this one :)
Reach of Branches looks potentially pretty strong, although the art is awful.
And Bitterblossom is getting everyone excited, and seems to be quite a potential chase card (although not as much as Mutavault). --AC

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