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What does the word 'Wiki' mean? Is it just a random name?
I've been told it's Hawaiian for 'quick'. I've also been told it's Hawaiian for 'happy', but I think, sadly, the first is correct - SunKitten

Abbreviation of "wiki wiki" which is Hawaiian for 'quick'.  It's noted on the [WikiWikiWeb]. --Kazuhiko

For some reason I've always thought it's some kind of fuzzy creature with strange teeth. Oh well. -ColinLeung, disappointed.
Aha! A chibi thing (that kills) ^_^ - Tsunami
No, that's just ToothyWiki (probably because of Shaam being inside) --MJ

CategoryMeaning?, CategoryWiki

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Last edited April 6, 2004 4:08 pm (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)