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[Official site].

Small, long-running UK anime convention. Gets booked up very quickly; these days you pretty much have to have attended the last one to get a place.

Held in hotels in Southampton (in the Novotel and the adjacent Ibis).

Photos from 2005 are slowly going up [here]. MoonShadow's camera is nicer this year (originals are 2800x2100, so the scaled down versions are nice and sharp) but gives people horrible redeye. Off to bed now - will stick the masquerade ones up tomorrow.

You can register now for Minamicon 12 [here]. Get your registrations while they are hot! --Tsunami (who has already registered)

Vitenka lives in the area (For, like, one more week) and is trying to organise a food expedition.  Takers?
We'll know better when we see the con timetable, which will be on Friday. I suspect Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes and Sunday evening would be possible, but don't know yet - SunKitten

CategoryAnime CategoryConvention; see also Events

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Last edited March 14, 2006 9:13 am (viewing revision 21, which is the newest) (diff)