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Blood, guts, gore, strange monsters, bad love story, annoying old man... it's pretty typical really.

Often used as an example of the HeroesJourney?.

I've seen it cited as one of the best bits of anime around. I suspect they were biasing towards a certain audiance, but... Well, it's a reasonably well-done example of what it is. -- TheInquisitor

Personally I never understood that.  I mean, given how huge a range of other types of Anime there are, how can such a mediocre seeming BloodGutsAndGore? be considered the top of its class?  {{shrugs}}  I don't watch much of that type of thing, so I dunno - maybe it is.  It's certainly better than the utterly utterly unforgivably awful FistOfTheNorthStar.  --Vitenka

I was a little underwhelmed when I watched it, having heard it described in superlative terms, but it was definitely a good movie. The blood, guts, gore, weren't excessive, although it was a bit gratuitous at the start. Not to mention the hentai bit...^_^ The love story was just plain bad, in fact the story was just plain bad to be honest, but the 8 Devils were very well done and very original. Could have been great, with more care over the plot. -- Xarak


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Last edited May 5, 2004 10:48 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)