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This lamppost casts its mystical pool of light in the middle of the vast darkness that is nighttime ParkersPiece. It serves to mark the border between CambridgeLife and the RealWorld, as attested by the inscription upon it: Groups: cam.misc reality checkpoint, CamFAQ: 6.2

If you are attempting to enter Cambridge, please check your reality at the lamp post.

OS grid: (545522,258108)

For some reason this popped up with a script error. Maybe there are some things better left uncontemplated

Works fine from here (MSIE6 / Win2k). What browser/OS?
Internet Exploder 5.5 on W2K (error was on their site, not yours)

Is a Reality checkpoint like a firewall is to a VPN?


18-97-9-168.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login
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Last edited April 1, 2003 12:40 pm (viewing revision 11, which is the newest) (diff)