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[Cambridge] is Cambridge in the UK, not the one in Massachusetts. Specifically, that part of it that lies roughly between the RealityCheckpoint, the CavendishLabs and the StaplesRoundabout. Certain places outside this area also have something of a CambridgeAura about them, notably the CBOneCafe and the GeekCupboard where this wiki is hosted. GirtonCollege, too, is an outcrop of CambridgeAura, a place surrounded by many myths; some even say they have been there, although, like the CambridgeUnderground, its very existence is the subject of hot debate.  HomertonCollege also apparently exists as an outcrop of the CambridgeAura (as does HughesHall), although depending on whom you talk to it is either in the same place as GirtonCollege, in London or at the PointAtMinusInfinity.

Mostly, however, outside Cambridge lies the RealWorld.

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Last edited October 6, 2010 3:54 pm (viewing revision 13, which is the newest) (diff)