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How most of the heroines in anime act towards the ones they love, though they are certainly not the only ones guilty of this.

SlapSlapKiss consists of verbal abuse (ocassionally punctuated with a MalletFromNowhere?), used to mask the heroine's feelings of true love.  Additional verbal abuse or AffectionateInsults? after the confession of love is entirely optional.

Done right, it's rather sweet character development.  Done wrong, and you want to call SocialServices?, which rather ruins SuspensionOfDisbelief.

One of the sure signs that you're dealing with a TsunDere such as AsukaLangley.

Also, what Tohko in ElvenRelations does to Tayuka, and what I think JoanneKathleenRowling? was going for (and IMHO botched badly between RonWeasley? and HermioneGranger?.)

Not to be confused with KissKissSlap?. - TsundereLightning

CategoryAnime | UsefulChants
See also [TV Tropes wiki]

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Last edited September 7, 2008 4:35 am (viewing revision 10, which is the newest) (diff)