He blundered into this wiki accidentally, by following AlexChurchill. It was his intent to ask him the questions to the ultimate answers of LifeTheUniverseAndEverything. (Or at the very least, how on Yrth you get the best ending with Asilana in ElvenRelations, having already successfully romanced Tokho and Yurika.)
As far as he knows, TsundereLightning is not actually a TsunDere. This is primarily because he no longer beleives himself to be female, nor does he have a habit of going SlapSlapKiss. He only uses that name on the grounds that he likes to write DatingSims. He has recently finished the first draft of his first OELVN, TransformationSequence.
Good to see you too. Any word yet on ElvenRelationsII?? -TsundereLightning
BTW I think the WalledGarden? complaint is somewhat over-made and would hate to see you remove everything. --Vitenka
How about this: I'll leave blurbs about the projects, and link to the Scratchpad pages from there, but not have my random brain-dumps here and work on those projects at Scratchpad? --ElliottBelser