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Kind of like the fake blood you get in cheap films.

Exactly like it in fact....

Why not throw some into the GothBox?  They'll not mind - they enjoy whining.  --Vitenka
The colours won't match properly.... -- Senji
No. It's not black. --Goth
See, that right there is the argument for goths not being human.  "If you cut them - do they not bleed?"  No, because their blood isn't black.  Which might also explain the heavy coffee drinking as an attempt to make it so.  Hmmm.  Infect goths with anthrax...  --Vitenka
Or if they cut themselves, to make a tasteless joke out of a serious psychological problem... -- Xarak

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Last edited August 15, 2004 4:15 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)