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About once every two weeks the ToothyChat people tend to go get food at lunch time.
The rest of the time they starve. --CH

Locations have included TheHaymakers (where they think we enjoy taking their sound equipment apart) and the MiltonArms (where they serve large amounts of food).  We also went to the PortlandArms twice, but that was quite a long way for the SciencePark contingent to come.  TheCastle has also been bestowed with our patronage, on a BankHoliday?. On one occasion we even ventured out to the CambridgeBeerFestival?.  We tried the CarltonArms, but they were far too slow, even though we rang through our order in advance.

Recent visits have been to Milton, where the WaggonAndHorses? has good food at very reasonable prices, and they serve you quickly.  The WhiteHorse? is also good, and very speedy at serving!

Next ToothyLunch: Fri 27 August, 1-2pm
Venue: Milton Arms


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Last edited August 27, 2010 9:32 am (viewing revision 41, which is the newest) (diff)