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Eidolic Fringe

Location: http://bonsaimechafactory.org/eidolicfringe
Updates: Weekly
Actually Updates: Very nearly weekly (on Monday nights).  I'd say closer to tuesday night  --Vitenka
Rating: ?
Recommended by: Vitenka, TheInquisitor, Kazuhiko (if you can stand the pace)
Example Strip: ["Hey! Get out from there! You might accidentally...... fix something?"]

I'm seeing a lot of weekly comics starts about sixth months ago, in a manga style.
That's good...  Complete with B5 quote! :)  Nice, but if it's weekly I guess I'm better off forgetting about it now for a few months until there is another bulk to read. - Kazuhiko

This has to be one of my favourites at the moment. A little bit Pirates of Dark Water, and a good deal of anime-esque crossover to another world. Seems to have real pre-planned plot, and certainly has interesting characters. -- TI

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Last edited October 26, 2003 9:55 pm (viewing revision 4, which is the newest) (diff)