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Location: http://www.queenofwands.net
Updates: Finished - Re-runs at 1/day
Actually Updates: As above
Rating: PG
Recommended by: Edith, Requiem, FlameRider, Kazuhiko
Example Strip: [Why is this an example??], [FFX2], [The strip that broke my brain]

Good. Erm, someone else write a better summary the strip damn well deserves it. --Edith

The closest comparison I've found is Something Positive. But slightly less offensive and with a little more humour. --Requiem

It's about a woman.  Youngish.  Something it's about the treatment of said woman in a male-dominated industry (namely tech-support).  More often than not, it's about her relationships.  Or lack of them.  And the strangely non-disfunctional living arrangements she has.  That is, with her best friend and her husband, who happens to be her ex.  Ys, thinking about it, there's not really a whole lot in the way of plot.  Still, it is very funny and occasionally meaningful.  --FR
Like I said. --Requiem

Now (27Feb05) finished and in re-runs with comments.  You may wish to start from [the beginning]. --K

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Last edited February 28, 2005 5:46 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)