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The operating system of Microsoft infamy.

See also: WinXP, WindowsBox, WindowsDragonDrop.

[Win98 being "retired"] over JVM issues.  Which is funny, because I thought they stopped supporting Win98 a year or two ago (cf WindowsBox)?

The JVM? issues are a mirage.  MS got a stay on the order that was forcing them to change things.  So really it's just business as usual "Please buy our new 'not worse in every way honest' system".  Unsurprisingly, there are still millions of active 98 installs out there.  Possibly because it's the only system for gaming that is worth a damn.  I would like to see some company pick up the rights for 98 and continue its support (the ability to load XP drivers is liable to be crucial soon), but fear that this would be too useful for MS to countenance.  Whilst I'm ranting about Java support - what is a decent stable and fast JVM? for windows?  Sun?'s is compatible with everything, but it's slow as anything.  MS is fast, but only supports an ancient version of Java.  --Vitenka

"Sun has sought to distribute its own Java virtual machine through court proceedings..." -- suggests that  unauthorised non-installation will be pursued in the courts and prosecuted to the maximum extent permitted in law: the world's first software non-licensing ;-) --Bobacus

Windows apologists historically cheer its ease of installation and its compatibility with a wide range of hardware; these days, however, it appears one is only permitted to [upgrade one's hardware once] before having to fork out a triple-digit sum for another copy. [Microsoft appear to be claiming that this has always been the case].

OEM licences have always been for the machine you bought the licence with. That said, you could (can?) typically get an OEM licence (about half the price of a retail licence) by buying some essential PC hardware, such as a CPU fan. Don't know if they've closed that loophole yet - and don't care :) It depends what you (or what a court) consider(s) to be the identity of the PC. Windows XP only let you make a certain number of hardware changes before requiring re-activation. --B

Microsoft have decided to change the EULA for Vista, so that you can install it on as many machines (sequentially, not concurrently of course) as you need to. --Tsunami

I'm having a small problem, and I think it's related to the fact that my computer runs vista; I was hoping that someone might be able to advise me.
I wanted to edit a program file.  I found the file and changed it, but then it couldn't save it.  It keeps telling me that the name or the path is wrong, and that I need to make sure it's right, but I don't understand this, as I'm editing a pre-existing file.  At one point I thought the problem was simply that the file in question was read-only; it was, and I rectified that, but the problem still happens all the time. 
Can anyone suggest anything?  --FR
What do you mean by "program file"? What file are you editing, and what program are you using to do it? The answer to your problem will depend on the program you're using to make this edit. --AC (also, oh dear, Vista)
Vista likes to maintain secret copies of things that have been modified in Program Files, and different things will see different versions of files.  You might be able to save the file somewhere else then move it in --Edwin
Okay, I'll admit it, I was trying to enable cheats on a game, which required changing a .ini file, which you can change just with notepad.  In point of fact, I did exactly what Edwin suggested, moving the file in question to another folder, changing it and moving it back.  Before I could do my little victory dance, I found out that I still can't use the cheats.  I suppose this will serve me right.  --FR


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Last edited March 31, 2008 6:53 pm (viewing revision 15, which is the newest) (diff)