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The game of Go. Played in CBOneCafe and anywhere else we can get hold of a goban.

Subpages of this could be used for:

playing go online. Although playing any kind of game over Wiki is probably rather painful, I can conceivably see myself doing it (since there is a proxy firewall at work so I can't use the public Go servers or [Yahoo Go]).
talking about theory somewhere other than /SenseisLibrary where there's lots of really scary people who actually know how to play and have ranks and stuff staring over your shoulder.
for playing with the Go markup and making pretty pictures...

(..anything else you fancy).

ToothyWiki now supports some rudimentary Go markup to let you draw board layouts.

Some Go cartoons can be found [here], just select the Go stone with the UK flag (unless you want to read in some other language of course).  Some of them are quite amusing but my personal favourite is [this one].  I get the feeling quite a few of my stones might feel this way :) -- Kazuhiko

In fact, if you can read German, you should probably go to that one, since that seems to have far more comics than the English version.

If you're feeling bored with standard go, try playing it on the following board, pieces being played at the points marked by @ signs

|\ /    \ /|
| @      @ |         
|/ \    / \|
@  @---@  @
|  |\ /|  |
|  | @ |  |
|  |/ \|  |
@  @---@  @
|\ /    \ /|
| @      @ |
|/ \    / \|

If nothing else, it's a nice way to learn about snapbacks --Angoel

That looks intriguing.  I assume one can't play in the blank white spaces.  Can a piece be played at, for example, the precise middle of the top line?  Such a piece would have precisely two liberties, one to its left and one to its right.  Or does one only play on intersections from where three-or-more lines leave?  --AlexChurchill, preparing to create a Wiki Go-playable version of that board
Presumably you allow play on the half-way marks...  Finding eye-space will be hard enough without removing those --Kazuhiko
No - just the intersections, as with standard go.  As regards eye space, although standard eyes are hard to make, /DoubleHeadedDragons are a lot easier to create than in standard go.  For example, the following group is live:

 @---@--- ---@
|\ /    \ /|
|        @ |         
|/ \    / \|
@  @---@   
|  |\ /|  |
|  |  |  |
|  |/ \|  |
|\ /    \ /|
|          |
|/ \    / \|
  --- --- ---

Yes, but with so few spaces, I can't help thinking that forming eyes would come more from luck than judgement. --Kazuhiko
After about 20 games of it, I remain unbeaten.  It's clearly in my interests to assert that it is a deep game of skill ;)  --Angoel

While almost anything can be improved by the addition of CoffeeAndDoughnuts? (or FlapJacks or GenericCakes?), it should be noted r02 that they should not be mixed too closely with a game of Go.

Is the [Cambridge Go Society] worth joining? --ColinLeung

Yes, it is.  They're friendly, and will happily ensure that you get an appropriate levelled game, and informed how you can improve if you so desire.  If you're unsure, just turn up to a meeting or two, and see whether you like it. --Angoel

To get to the point - a slightly outdated answer is "yes".  They are (were, my information is out of date) a fun group of people, very interested in helping even little incompetent old me learn to play.  No snobbishness, but several of them are good players and completely out of a newbies league.  --Vitenka

MoonShadow has never attended, but has played people that do attend and can very much second what Vitenka said :)

TheInquisitor is a member, and went for a term and a bit - he found no trouble getting challenging, but not impossible, games with people. Cherles Matthews gives rather good talks before most meetings. I only stopped attending because of time pressure.

Does the Cambridge Go Society worth joining? --ColinLeung

What does the verb "worth" mean in that sentence? - a confused MoonShadow

Just interested in joining, that's all. Need to learn this game you see. No offence is meant whatsoever.-ColinLeung
I think you meant "Is the Cambridge Go Society worth joining?", Colin.  That's the confusion. --M-A

Um... what difference does it make?

In "does (x) (y)", the (y) has a very different function to "is (x) (y)" - in the former, it's a verb - a word describing an action (x) can be performing; in the latter, it's an adjective or a noun - a word describing a property of (x). For the other sense of "what difference does it make?", it makes the wiki easier to read. - MoonShadow
In other words, "Does the Cambridge Go Society worth joining?" isn't a real sentence in English... --M-A
Well - if you assume the speaker isn't very good at English, the sentence could mean something like, for instance, "Does the Cambridge Go Society cost anything to join?" - "worth" is pretty much the first thing you come across when you look up the Russian word you'd use to say that in a dictionary. Hence confusion - you can't be sure what the other person is trying to say. - MoonShadow

If you have HalfLife, then if you have the latest patch, which means you have Steam, then you have a built in friends list which includes a built in Go game.  I'd like to play some time.  --Vitenka

ChrisHowlett's 21st birthday is coming up, and parents are looking at a gaming table. As such, they need to know the as-it-were canonical size of a goban. A quick check of those on eBay shows sizes to vary from about 14" to 19", with lines being somewhere between 3/4" and 1" apart. If anybody could measure theirs and tell me what they find, or give me actual official sizes, that'd be appreciated. ChrisHowlett now goes off to find a schematic diagram of a goban to send his parents as probably the easiest methods if indicating the star-points.
According to /ChoChikun? (in /TheMagicOfGo?), the standard dimensions of a goban are 454mm in length by 424mm in width (in order to create the illusion of it being square when seen from an angle, I believe). Black stones are 21mm in diameter, white stones 20mm (again, in order to compensate for the optical illusion that makes the white stones seem larger). He's unclear on precisely how the grid should be spaced, though.... - tjm
Hmm, about 18x18". Seems about right, given stones a little under an inch wide. Now, next question. If you buy a pot of go-stones, how many do you get? Strictly speaking you could need as many as 360 of one colour, but that would indicate you were playing someone who really didn't understand the rules...
A couple of hundred of each, I believe. I've never counted, or run out. Can do, if you really want to know. -- TI

Having just realised I haven't played go for over a year now, I thought I would start out with that annoying 9x9 computer version.  Then realised I can't remember what it was called and then found that the Wiki doesn't seem to have a link for it (or, at least, not one found through a backreference search using the title of this page).  Can anyone remember off hand what it was?  Thanks. --K
Do you mean [Igowin]? - MoonShadow, who's rather taken to GNU Go these days..

See also Go/Rengo and Go/Zengo.


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Last edited March 29, 2005 8:44 am (viewing revision 55, which is the newest) (diff)