18-97-14-80.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | PhoenixFeathers | RecentChanges | Login I'm sure I already read or wrote a summary on them on another page but I can't find it... Does anyone else remember where or am I hallucinating again? --Kazuhiko
No, I was sure there was more than that... *wanders off to bang his head against a wall a few times* - Kazuhiko
There are 4 members, all apparently male:
Mysterious missing president Bloke with pony-tail and plain mask (solitaire mask?) Taller bloke who wore a feathery mask and military dress Bloke in tails with butterfly mask.
*spots Kazuhiko putting the four members in that order* *agrees with him* --AC
Rin danced with butterfly bloke, who is blatantly 5e7a0a464874ddfb50a7afa1e1322f60. :->
CH agrees with the signature, and wonders whether the obvious change was a return to the natural, or a suppression of the natural.
It seems from "Another day, another coffee" that it was a suppression of the natural for the public appearance as one of the Committee. /Sylvai didn't notice any significance to a grey hair in a bag of collected hairs from "the white-haired Committee member", but /Rin did. --AC