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BNF: Rachael/TabloidHeadlineGenerator
Now NTKed. Oh, and [someone] seems to be using it to generate blog entry headings. - MoonShadow

(PeterTaylor) Nice one. Most of the headlines I've seen were semi-plausible, although "Virgin Mary told me to eat man with potato , says distressed terrorist" perhaps only in so far as the terrorist is distressed.

Its more of a Daily Mail headline generator.--King DJ
Are you saying the Daily Mail isn't a tabloid? Anyway, it can't be a Daily Mail headline generator; there aren't any asylum seekers in it. --Rachael
It's just the scare story headlines remind me of the Daily Mail more than any other newspaper.--King DJ

Ha ha! Excellent... -- Xarak

I feel duty-bound to inform you that this has lowered the productivity of the Maths & Humanities team in OCR this week.  I showed it to Nat, and he spent half an hour on the internet hitting "Refresh", convulsed in laughter.  Then he showed it round at work... --M-A

"Lack of exercise can cause obesity , new evidence reveals" - never! --M-A

Crime boss found in the White House --Requiem ^_^

MikeJeggo realises that the whole point of these generators is to produce outrageous and random statements, but he is tempted to think that on his first go with this one he got about the most beautiful irony possible - "My steamy affair with terrorist : Bush reveals all"

bnf ::= original

comcastperson ::= intro hateadjective hategroup need
intro ::= intro1 | intro2 | intro3

intro1 ::= When will poweradjective powergroup  descrip2
intro2 ::= Isn’t it obvious to  poweradjective powergroup that
intro3 ::= I can’t believe that poweradjective powergroup descrip3

hategroup ::= single mothers | youth | teenagers | unemployed | criminals | yobs | chavs  | layabouts | scroungers | immigrants | terrorists | NHS pen pushers | pensioners | Blair | benefit scroungers | scum

powergroup ::= parents | the government | teachers | politicians | judges | social workers | the government | the government | Blair | do-gooders | the PC brigade | human rights campaigners | left wingers | politicians

poweradjective ::= useless | out of touch | loony | ridiculous | couldn’t care less | namby pamby

hateadjective ::= feckless | irresponsible | feral | lazy | loud mouth

verb ::= corporal punishment | hard labour | to spend the rest of their lives in prison

need ::= will only learn from needqualify | deserve needqualify | should get needqualify | will only respond to needqualify | should spend the rest of their lives in prison

needqualify ::= a good needqualify2 | a proper needqualify2

needqualify2 ::= hanging | flogging | dose of public humiliation

descrip2 ::= learn that | realise | wake up to the fact that | get it into their thick heads that

descrip3 ::= don’t know that | don’t realize that | can’t see that | are oblivious to the fact that | are too scared to admit that

original ::= headline1 | headline2 | headline3 | headline4 | headline5 | headline6 | headline4 | headline2

headline1 ::= capperson verbphrases | capperson verbphrases | cappeople verbphrase
headline2 ::= entity told me to verbphrase , verbsays person | entity told me to verbphrase , verbsays personadjective person
headline3 ::= summary : person reveals all | summary : personadjective person reveals all | summary : celebrity reveals all | summary : personadjective celebrity reveals all
headline4 ::= nouncause can cause effect , source | nouncause can cause effect in victims , source
headline5 ::= thing found in place | deadperson found living in place | entity found in place
headline6 ::= capperson in person something scandal | capperson in lcentity instrument scandal | capperson in deadperson something badthing scandal

verbphrase ::= verb person with instrument | verb number people with instrument | verb celebrity with instrument

verbphrases ::= verbs person with instrument | verbs number people with instrument | verbs celebrity with instrument | verbs self with instrument | finds Martians in place | finds face of deadperson in vegetable
summary ::= My adjective affair with celebrity | My adjective affair with person | My something badthing
badthing ::= nightmare | hell
something ::= alien abduction | plastic surgery | stalking | drug | cannibal | speed-dating
vegetable ::= potato | cauliflower | lettuce | pomegranate | marrow | turnip | avocado

adjective::= steamy | torrid | secret | passionate | sordid
verbsays ::= says | claims | alleges | insists 

verb ::= smite | ritually dismember | attack | force-feed | tickle | spank | scalp | lobotomise | gut | eat | stalk
verbs ::= smites | ritually dismembers | attacks | force-feeds | tickles | spanks | scalps | lobotomises | guts | eats | stalks
instrument ::= potato peeler | steamroller | cocktail stick | vegetable | pogo stick | stick of rock | tomahawk | rattlesnake | laser pointer
personadjective ::= distressed | tragic | terrified | angry 

capperson ::= Man | Woman | Cambridge student | Mother of number | Porn star | Terrorist | Paedophile | Knife-wielding maniac | Politician | Escaped prisoner | Driver
person ::= man | woman | Cambridge student | mother of number | porn star |  knife-wielding maniac | politician | escaped prisoner | paedophile | driver | escaped prisoner

cappeople ::= Masked men | Religious fundamentalists | Cambridge students | Terrorists 
people ::= masked men | religious fundamentalists | Cambridge students | terrorists

number ::= two | four | seven | seventeen | thirty-five

nouncause ::= Smoking | Watching television | Lack of exercise | Unfiltered sunlight | Eating GM food | Eating British beef | Sniffing solvents | Long working hours | Atkins diet | Playing computer games
effect ::= death | cancer | impotence | demon possession | unwanted pregnancy | AIDS | hallucinations | lasting psychological damage | premature ageing | obesity | bubonic plague | genetic mutation | baldness | bad breath
victims ::= women | men | teenagers | infants | over-50s | guinea pigs | rats | monkeys | vegetarians
source ::= study shows | scientist claims | new evidence reveals

thing ::= Turin shroud | Cocaine | Pornographic images | Hostages | Weapons of mass destruction | Spy | Crime boss | Martian artefacts | £1m diamond | Giant tarantula | Velociraptor egg
place ::= 10 Downing Street | Cheadle | the White House | celebrity 's home | celebrity 's car | Iraq | London | Trinity College

entity ::= God | Angels | Aliens | Virgin Mary | Demons | Ghost of deadperson | Ghost of deadperson | Devil
lcentity ::= God | angels | aliens | Virgin Mary | demons | ghost of deadperson | ghost of deadperson | devil
deadperson ::= Elvis | Princess Diana | Marilyn Monroe | Kurt Cobain | John Lennon | Freddie Mercury | James Dean | Elvis | Princess Diana | Queen Victoria

celebrity ::= Beckham | Michael Jackson | David Blaine | Su Pollard | Bill Gates | Prince William | Britney | Madonna | J.Lo | Maxine Carr | Michael Moore | Yootha Joyce | Prince Philip | Bush | Blair | Blunkett


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Last edited September 12, 2008 2:43 pm (viewing revision 62, which is the newest) (diff)