18-97-9-175.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login | Advent calendar | Webcomic King DJ is the online name of Jack Levell, a 3rd year natural scientist from ChurchillCollege. He thinks of himself as having the D&D alignment Lawful Neutral. He is an atheist and doesn't like anime (with the possible exception of AzumangaDaioh), however he does roleplay which is probably the reason his presence on the Wiki is tolerated.
Goes from being a Fascist to a Communist and back again at least 6 times a year.
He is almost entirely but not quite exactly unlike a MathMo, apparently.
Also a Mac addict.
His stance on ID cards is coloured by the hoops he has to (and is unable to) jump through to open bank accounts, get driving licences and other useful things in the UK. His key requirement being for a system which is compatible with or functions equivalently to the European ones.