18-97-9-173.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login See RockScissorsPaper. I totally agree that the proper name is paper, scissors, stone, but who am I to argue with those who name web pages?
On the Wiki, you've got just as much right as those who named the page SomethingReallySilly :) I always thought ScissorsPaperStone would be the proper name... but the abbreviation across the Web seems to most commonly be "RPS" or "RSP", so... *shrug* --AlexChurchill
Unfortunately RPS stands for something else aswell...
I always knew it as scissors, paper, stone. Oh well. -- TI
Well, it's already linked from RockScissorsPaper. But I suppose this page has the initials in the same order as it... --AC
Blegh - how am I to figure out where this goes?
Anyway, Uru (MystOnline) has a wonderful variant on this game. Same basic rules for each round - the only change is the victory condition for the game as a whole. Rather than having to win a set number of matches, you have to win three matches with the same throw - though not three in a row. Obviously, winning seven matches guarantees you a win - but you can win in three games if your opponent is clueless. Is random play still the best (or least worst) strategy for this game? I don't think so, because if your opponent is playing random then you can make the same throw continually, and on avergae win faster than them. --Vitenka
You might want to reconsider that statement... *grins* --Gwyntar
Ah, sorry - yes. I just said something incredibly stupid. I blame myst having fried my brain. Damn. It certainly makes intelligent play more tempting, but if your opponent is playing random then you can do no better than random - well, pretty much any strategy works the same. So you might as well play random. Damn. --Vitenka