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House Rules generally used at GamesEvening to Catan games:

Optional addition to the above: if  playing Settlers or Seafarers, replace some of the now-less-useful Soldier cards with interesting cards.  Options stolen from CitiesAndKnightsOfCatan include Irrigation, Mining and Alchemist.

Other house rules not generally used at GamesEvening

(although by arrangement I'm sure they could be on occasion):

Used by: AlexChurchill, SusanWakeling
On the flip side, AlexChurchill is going off this one now, as it's rather easier to make a surprise road-and-settlement speed build, which can have a significant effect on resource income middle-to-late game, particularly when it's the final of the five settlements being grabbed by one player.

There are more significant /Variants also.

CategoryGames; see also GamesEvening.

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Last edited August 11, 2004 8:25 am (viewing revision 10, which is the newest) (diff)