Is this wiki PG13 or something? Next you'll be telling me the F in FUBAR is not an anagram of FCUK. --DR
So far it's been more amusing all around this way ;) - MoonShadow
Besides, F isn't an anagram of FCUK. It has the wrong number of letters. --CH
Allegedly, in Naval Semaphore:
Whiskey: I need Medical Attention. Tango: Do not pass in front of me. Foxtrot: I am carrying explosive cargo. Which is, just possibly, even better. --Vitenka
The second game in the newWorldOfDarknessRPG series. Seriously. Poor choice of acronym, guys. --Vitenka
Yes. Very much so. It came up in playtesting, too; they allowed it through. o_o --Requiem
A ComputerGame similar to WarioWare?: theoretically short for "Work Time Fun," but as it was made in Japan, the traditional meaning also applies. --ElliottBelser