Take FinalFantasy. Not any of the sequels, the original - with the EasyToRemember? characters 'THIEF' 'FGHTR' 'BMAGE' 'RMAGE' and so forth.
Now take the art.
Add backgrounds, add slight twists to the plot and a heck of a lot of dialogue.
This SpriteComic? starts off as one mans insane thoughts as he plays through an old game, and turns into a plot and humour all of its own.
Pretty much founding the whole SpriteComic? abombination (along with /BobAndGeorge?) 8-bit theatre stands as a testament to something. Evil, probably. --Vitenka
You have to admit, it has a twisted beauty all its own. --Requiem
Oh yes - it's a truly beautiful evil. One which I read with every-other-daily fascination. But I can't think of a way to describe it beside 'Insane, Evil and OldSchool?' - which doesn't really narrow it down much. --Vitenka