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Location: http://www.idrewthis.org/
Updates: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Actually Updates: Usually on time
Rating: U
Recommended by: StuartFraser, MoonShadow, AlexChurchill, Requiem, SunKitten, ChrisHowlett
Example Strip: [Intelligent Design], [Bin Laden on Bush] (been said many times, but this says it well), [Not nuking a third of the globe] [Renaming]

Look, it's by the same guy who draws /OzyAndMillie and /RaineDog, it has to be good... liberal political humour in the traditional satirical style. Probably makes more sense if you follow American politics; but funny anyway since much of the humour is just highlighting logical absurdities...

Funny how AC picked out what I thought were two of IDT's worst strips to highlight in the examples...oh well, different tastes and all that... --SF
By all means, replace one of them with one of your favourite. I read a large chunk all at once and couldn't find the ones that entertained me the most.

Short archives too - at 12:40 am, this is a GoodThing. --CH

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Last edited January 19, 2009 1:01 pm (viewing revision 11, which is the newest) (diff)