| ToothyWiki | WebComics | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic Location: Updates: MWF Actually Updates: MWF Rating: Usually PG, although very occasionally very strong language Recommended by: Kazuhiko, ChrisHowlett (and presumably the person who first linked to it), Androidkiller, RobHu (even though he's not a MathMo), Rachael, AlexChurchill, Requiem who first linked to it and forgot to say, Admiral. Hated with the firey passion of a thousand thousand burning suns by: S. Example Strip: In the opinion of Kazuhiko, ranges from the [utterly bizarre] to the [incredibly touching].
Kazuhiko claims to still have at least some maths geekness on the basis that he laughed himself silly on [this strip].
Oh dear. *Wiping tears from eyes* I must be more Mathmo than I thought! --Admiral
In S's opinion, nowhere near as funny or as profound as it thinks it is, and would not be half as irritating (it would just be another crap webcomic to ignore) if people didn't insist on referring others to it nearly every time a new strip is published. Any bizarreness is forced and bland, and the only thing incredible about its touch is how it manages to be so cloying and so superficial at the same time.
More example favourite strips:
[The Labyrinth puzzle] - AlexChurchill actually solved this the other day (if you're allowed 5 yes-or-no questions). (Also ignoring the ALT text - all the images have some zany ALT text as a second punchline for the strip)
Have you emailed in your solution? Might be fun to see what happens. --Admiral
Actually, stuff that. I have it down to one or two questions to work out which one tells the truth, then of course one or two questions to find out the "safe" passage. --Admiral
[Escalators] - The content and the form match up so well!
[Iambic Pentameter] - I'd love to learn to do this for myself. I've practiced, but it still takes lots of work.