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A group of female manga creators, responsible for such memorable works as CardCaptorSakura, Chobits and MiyukiChanInWonderland.
Their names are Nanase Ohkawa, Mokona Apapa, Mick Nekoi and Satsuki Igarashi.  They confess themselves to be obsessed with skirts (note the severe lack of male characters, or any characters other than the main one at all, in MiyukiChanInWonderland).

Clamp: Bishounen and Beyond.  Yaoi, yuri, and angst.  Plus cherry blossoms, blood, and feathers.  And PastelSparklies (see: bishounen).  Have I missed anything?  --Nataku

Also the name of the ClareCollege arty film society, CLAre Moving Pictures.  Great while it lasted, but then went bust. -- M-A

Did you ever go?
Well, no.  So I probably contributed to its downfall.

See also [Hitherby]

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Last edited May 17, 2006 10:40 pm (viewing revision 9, which is the newest) (diff)