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CB3 0JG , allegedly. http://streetmaps.co.uk gives the following disclaimer:
"The location for this post code is not accurate. You should confirm your destination before travelling." (Check it out for yourself! Small red font just above the map.)
MoonShadow: They seem to have suddenly stopped doing that now :( anyone got any idea why?
Further experimentation reveals that hitting "refresh" results in the disclaimer being displayed about one time in seven or so. See [this], for instance (120k JPG)

Does this exist?  Lots of people assert that Girton does exist, but we've never actually been there to find out.  After all, has anybody been to GirtonFormalHall?

"We are the Students Who Don't Do Anything! We just stay in bed and lie around. And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you..."

"We don't do anything!"

"Well, I've never been Oxford and I've never been to Durham, and I've never done my research in an academic school, and I've never been to Sidgwick? and I've never been to Cockcroft?, and I've never been to GirtonFormalHall."

"'Cuz we're the Students Who Don't Do Anything! We just stay in bed and lie around. And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you..."

"We don't do anything. And I never go to lectures and I never read the text books, and I never walk to libraries 'cuz I never work at all, and I've never known a fellow and I've never owned a bedder, and I've never been to GirtonFormalHall."

[Girton Formal Hall]

I once walked to GirtonCollege from ChristsCollege with a friend who wanted to hand deliver an essay to a fellow there.  We had a wander around while we were there and I was really impressed - it's a really nice looking College.  We called a taxi to take us back though.  -- Mjb67

Essay? Pretext, I call it. You were being scouted. That was no ordinary taxi driver.. - MoonShadow

Bobacus: It does exist. Or at least it used to in 1997/8. I went there once. Really. I saw its Bar and JCR. We got kicked out of the Bar. (Perhaps they didn't want people finding out about it.)

Yes, but you're one of them!

I have met a total of 3 people who have studied or are currently studying at Girton. One claimed to have applied there because it was pretty (and had the cheek to call ChurchillCollege ugly!), one was keen to be in the countryside rather than in town, and one lived in Coton so presumably couldn't be bothered to move very far. None of these are really good reasons, but what do you expect?

Tsuki: but they have nice biscuits there.  If they were indeed real, and not a figment of my caffeine-high, oops-I-just-failed-that-interview-thinking mind... ^_^

I went there once, with TheInquisitor.  We performed a play to a lot of old people who thought that mince pies were far more interesting than we were, and climbed the gatehouse.  There is a very disappointing boiler at the top of 7 flights of stairs.

I've heard tell of a StJohnsCollege's student who went to GirtonFormalHall, and left with some silverware. He was caught by the porters, who gave him the option of being reported to the police for theft, or being gated. He chose to be gated, and thus had to spend several weeks making sure he was a Girton p'lodge in the morning and again at nightfall, in full formal wear, to sign a book saying he was there. -- ChrisHowlett

CategoryPlace CategoryCambridgeColleges

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Last edited April 1, 2003 12:33 pm (viewing revision 20, which is the newest) (diff)