One of the non-basic lands in... {thinks}... the crap expansion. Fallen empires. Tap to add a mining token, tap to remove all tokens and gain that much red mana.
You can't use "the crap expansion" any more, because it means both Fallen Empires and Mercadian Masques nowadays.
Well, the standard line from tournament players seems to be that Prophecy was the really bad one from that block, although the whole block was underpowered except for Rebels... --AC
Really? I suppose Masques has the better rebels in it, and a few other usable cards. Anyway, as a confirmed lover of White Weenie, I have no problems with everything being underpowered except for Rebels; it was the only time that White has ever been the best colour...(StuartFraser, who recently acquired four MTG: Ramosian Sergeant and is wondering what to do with them).