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Dunharrow Library

DouglasReay has 6000+ books at this home just north of Cambridge, many of which are science fiction or fantasy, and has a room set aside as a library, whose main purpose is to contain them all.  They occasionally escape, blocking roads and attempting to bite nearby pedestrians, if they get too bored because they have not been read recently enough.  Books are people too!

In an attempt to stave off this terrible fate, his friends have rallied around, helping out by borrowing as many of these odd critters as they can find time to read.  This page contains a partial list of which books people have borrowed over the past two decades, and even a few reviews.

It also serves to keep track of which books are currently on loan.  You can now browse the shelves without having to visit in person:

If you spot any you'd like to borrow, whether that's just a handful or a couple of boxes brim full of them, please please get in touch.  I can drop books off at GamesEvening, if that's convenient, or you are welcome to come visit the house to spent an hour or so browsing (there are many many more books that didn't get photographed or barcode scanned, including the whole graphic novel section and children's library).




Asprin: A phule and his money, phule me twice

I read 'A Phule and his money' and was disappointed by it.  Is 'Phule me twice' any better? --Angoel
I like them all, so I'm not the best person to ask - SunKitten
Well, it wasn't bad, but 'Phule's Company' and 'Phule's Paradise' are so much better than it. --Angoel
I liked them, but then again there is quite a bit of trash I like.  --DR


Charrette: Timespell, A prince among men,  Wizard of Bones, Eye of the Serpent

Scott Card: Ender's Game (+), Wyrms

Green: Mistworld, Ghostworld, Hellworld, Something from the Nightside
I think Mistworld is the best of those three.  They lead onto the death stalker series. --DR

Gaiman: Temps

Durgin: Barren Lands

Cook: First Truth

Clayton: Drum Warning

Chester: Reign of Shadows, Shadow War, Realm of Light

Christian: The Truthsayer's Apprentice

Moon: Change of Command, Remnant Population, Once a Hero, Trading in Danger
Several of those are parts of series, I believe.  I liked Trading in Danger --DR
All but Remnant Population are.  Trading in Danger is pretty good, but then, Moon invariably writes her best books at the beginning of series.  Similarly, Hunting Party and Once a Hero are my two favourites in the horses InSpace series. --Angoel

Modesitt: The Forever Hero, The Octagonal Raven
Modesitt has done other stuff too. --DR
Yes, I know. We have most of them - the Order/Chaos? and Spellsong ones - and I've read many of the ones we don't :) - SunKitten

McKiernan?: Voyage of the Fox Rider (+)

Huff: Sing the Four Quarters, Quartered Sea, No Quarter, Fifth Quarter''
Huff: Blood Price/Trail?/Debt?/Pact?/Lines?

Klasky: The Glasswright's Apprentice (+)
Can I have the rest of these please? It's good :) - SunKitten
Might be a few weeks - I have a busy period coming up, and I have not read the others yet. --DouglasReay
Ah, OK then. Thanks anyway - SunKitten

Kress: Beggars in Spain, Beggar's Ride, Beggars and Choosers

Lynn: Watchtower (+)

Hardy: Master of the Five Magics (+)
Secret of Sixth magic continues the exploration... --Angoel

Donaldson: The Real Story (x2), Forbidden Knowledge (x2), This Day All Gods Die, A Dark and Hungry God Arises, Chaos and Order

Patton: The Stone Prince

The Magic in the Weaving, The Power in the Storm, The Fire in the Forging, The Healing in the Vine

Niven: The Magic May Return

Taylor: ''Bard, The First Long Ship, The Wild Sea, Raven's Gathering;;

Stover: Heroes Die, Blade of Tyshalle

Wilder: A Princess of the Chameln (+)

Wells: The Guardian

Watt-Evans: The Misenchanted Sword, Touched by the Gods

Viehl: Stardoc, Eternity Row, Beyond Varallan, Endurance, Shockball

Velde: The Changeling Prince

Norman: Turning Point (+)

Stout: The Royal Four, The Sacred Seven

Stackpole: Once a Hero

Spedding: The Road and The Hills (+)

Roberson: Sword-Dancer (+)

Scott-Rohan: A Spell of Empire: the Horns of Tartarus

Gemmell: Sword in the Storm, Ravenheart, Storm Rider, Midnight Falcon

Laurel Hamilton: books 1 and 2 in the Anita Blake series

Usagi Yojimbo: No, I haven't managed to lend this to SunKitten yet.  But I'm going to continue to rave about it now and then until I do succeed.  Bwahahahaha. --DR


Zhuangzi Speaks - Returned
RaymondSmullyan?, The Tao Is Silent - Returned
RaymondSmullyan?, Forever Undecided - Returned
Lent: DeathNote 8-10
ElfQuest? vol 1-8 (returned)
Courtney Crumrin (vols 1-4)
Lent: Top 10 by Alan Moore (books 1 and 2) - DR has borrowed them from Alex (Returned)
Lent: Miki Falls, by Mark Crilley - Yay, thank you, was excellent!
Lady Mechanika vol 1-2


Babylon 5 series 5 - Returned
Thraxas - Returned
So you want to be a wizard - Returned
Deep Wizardry - Returned
local custom - Returned
arrows of the queen -Returned
dvd player - Not to return
Arrow's Fall -Returned
Arrow's Flight -Returned
The Oathbound - Mercedes Lackey -Returned
Agent of Change - Sharon Lee and Steve Miller -Returned
Conflict of Honors - Sharon Lee and Steve Miller -Returned
Scout's Progress - Sharon Lee and Steve Miller -Returned
Plan B - Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Carpe Diem - Sharon Lee and Steve Miller - Returned
Battlestar Galactica : Miniseries - Returned
Battlestar Galactica : Season 1 - Returned
Oathbreakers- Mercedes Lackey - Returned
Highlander 1-3 - Returned
Battlestar Galactica original series - Returned
The Curse of the Mistwraith - Janny Wurts - returned
War for the Oaks - Emma Bull - Returned
Wizard of the Pidgeons - Megan Lindholm -Returned
Spiderman 2 ( DVD ) - returned

Tom Clancy without remorse
Fritz Leiber swords series 1
Battlestar Galactica new series seasons 1 and 2 (1 returned)
The Games People Play
Twisting the Rope - R A MacAvoy?
Prince of Persia 3D (game)
The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the ring (Game)

The Phoenix Guards - Steven Brust
Sundiver, Starting Rising. Brightness Reef, The Uplift War - David Brin
Smoke and Mirrors - Neil Gaiman
Helliconia Winter - Brian Aldiss
The folk of the air - Peter Beagle
Yhe Dispossessed - Ursula Le Guin
Mercedes Lackey - Magic series (3)
Katherine Kerr series of 10
Ocean's Twelve (returned)


Freespace 2
?Grunts - Mary Gentle


A Song Of Ice And Fire


Equal Rites - Terry Pratchett
The Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy
World War in the Balance - Turtledove
Bujold - Louis McMaster?

Rev. Andrew Brown

Red Mars
Mindstar Rising

Xarak ( Jamie Horder )

Bare Faced Messiah - Russel Miller


The 'Powers' comics (first 9 graphic novel collections)


Zhuangzi Speaks (returned)


"Heros Die", by Mathew Woodring Stover
"Blade of Tyshalle", by Mathew Woodring Stover (returned)
"Thraxas", by Martin Scott (returned - do you want the rest of the series?)
"A point of Honor", by Dorothy J. Heyd (returned)
Incorrectly returned: "Factoring Humanity" owned by Mr and Mrs Wakeling
Buffy, seasons 1, 2 and 3, 4 & 5 - lent and returned,  6&7 now passed to SusanThomas?
Thraxas at the Races
The Misenchanted Sword, Lawrence Watt-Evans


Mercedes Lackey - The Oathbound - Returned
Master & Commander- Returned
Fiddler on the roof- Returned
Nausicaa- Returned
Domino- Returned
The Mask of Zorro- Returned
Gladiator- Returned
Carlito's Way- Returned
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly- Returned
Spiderman 2- Returned
Th Negotiator- Returned
Otherland 2 - trasd willians
charles stross - jenner morgue, the atrocity archive


Borrowed: DVD  "Brotherhood of the Wolf"
Professionsals DVDs - 4 seasons


Charles Stross - The Atrocity Archives
Charles Stross - The Jennifer Morgue
David Gemmell - Shield Of Thunder


23rd December 2001
Alliance of Light, Book 1 - Fugative Prince
Alliance of Light, Book 2 - Grand Conspiracy


8th March 2009
The Duchess


3rd October 2009
Blade Runner (on VHS)



Laurell K. Hamilton, Anita Blake series 1-4 - will borrow in future
Kristin Cashore, Fire & Graceling - will borrow in future
Charles Stross, Halting State, Rule 34 - will borrow in future
Brian Vaughan, The Last Man 1-10 - returned
Carey Gross, Lucifer 1-11 -returned
Cj Cherryh - Fires of Azeroth, Gate of Ivrel, Well of Shiuan

Paula Brown

2015-07-17  Gifted VHS tapes:

First Knight
Red Dwarf 1 & 2
Deadly Engagement
Who will love my children?

Paddy Freer

Alex Churchill





Note to self: [Library Thing] and [bookcrossing]
Moonshadow's [Barcode code]
Annoyingly, Library Thing wants $25 if you have more than 200 books. -DR

DouglasReay is about to move house, and thus also move all his books.  Now is the time to scan them in!  Has anyone got a barcode reader, or know where I can get hold of a cheap one?  What I'd actually really like is for someone to sit down with me and Louise's laptop, and help get things set up to the point where I can scan a couple of books, then press a button, and have them automatically added to a database or website of choice - ideally using info [Amazon] or [google books] or similar to categorise them.  Anyone done this?

We have one, though I'd have to find it. It needs a (real, not one of those little USB adapters) keyboard port. - MoonShadow
Thank you.  Though, since Kitiara's laptop only has USB I purchased one for myself.  It works, and enters into a notepad a digital number corresponding to the ISBN encoded in the book's barcode.  Now to [try to do something useful] with that.  --DR
Ok, I've now got this to the point where it can generate useful SQL so I need a database, accessible over the net, and without cost.  Anyone know of a website that supplies this? --DR

Ok, preliminary results: [Fantasy], [Science Fiction], [Unsorted]
Thank you Kitiara! --DR


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Last edited February 11, 2023 1:07 pm (viewing revision 95, which is the newest) (diff)