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[This] is RebeccaBorgstrom's 'serial anthology' of really, really random short storylets. There are recurring characters, allegedly, although they take some time to spot.

An example:

Apple trees are not fish. If they were fish, they would live underwater... Since they have many branches, they would probably swim like an octopus...
Bookshelves are also not fish. This is because fish can't read. There's no need for fish to have other, special fish to store their books on...
Cereal is not a fish. No one bothers to make fish whose only purpose is to be eaten by other fish. Except aquariums and pet shops...
Anemones are not fish. They have no fins and they do not pursue their lives in a fish-like manner... Anemones don't even have hands. But they do have something. A special something... They wait for that day; for that hour; for the hour of the anemone to come...

Further choice quotes are on the RebeccaBorgstrom page.

Claims to be a webcomic; see [this] amongst other places. WebComics/HitherbyDragons?, anyone?

Waiting for wiki pages (or, "I'm astonished no-one's commented on these subjects yet"):
[When we acquire a page on P/NP problems]
[When we acquire a page on Godzilla]
[When we acquire a page on Ikea] (also: a [HOWTO])
[When we acquire a page on Fisher-Price]
[When we acquire a page on Sex Education. Or maybe on leopards.]
[When we acquire a page on Sushi.] (Alternatively, just shove it into CategoryAwfulPun and be done with it.

These quotes remind Garbled of TerryPratchett's  Where's My Cow

Requiem notes that HitherbyDragons does actually have a story to it, which is about as deep and slow-burning as an asbestos brick sitting alone at the bottom of a particularly remote ocean trench. Warning: exceptionally sad story.


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Last edited December 21, 2009 7:17 pm (viewing revision 16, which is the newest) (diff)