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What [passes] for Security in US airports these days. See http://www.stupidsecurity.com for loads more.

Alternatively, the permanent, irreducible state of mind of a member of the AssassinsGuild

And a RolePlayingGame. Well, almost. I don't think CURSWiki: Paranoia exists, but it probably ought to.
In this meaning, the cause of momentary confusion between Sally and me. At CURS squash, Edith ran a one-off involving a post-car-crash situation with complete memory loss, a huge feeling of conspiracy, mysterious telepathic stuff and some plastic explosives. When asked by Sally what he'd run, I replied "Paranoia", not realising it was a real system. That was an incredibly dull story, I apologise. --ChrisHowlett
The wiki is your friend.  The wiki wants all of its wikizens to be happy.  Are you happy, wikizen?  --Vitenka

I just put it up on the CURS wiki.--King DJ


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Last edited September 29, 2004 9:28 am (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)