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I wish I were joking.  But this is a genuine genre of computer game.  (Japanese, of course.)
Actually, I suppose it's arguable whether the existence of this genre is more or less distressing than the existence of DatingSims.

There are at least two such games:
Uh...  Doesn't that defeat the point of Rei...  Ah! *clue strikes* When she ends up with personality, that's the failed ending, yes? - Kazuhiko
I don't know if it defeats the point or not, but you can find out about the Evangelion Ayanami Rasing Project at: http://shop.himeya.com/products/dc_ag/eva_ayanami/eva_ayanami.html
Well, "find out" might be an exaggeration.  That page looks like raw BabbleFish output from machine-"translation" of a Japanese product page.  Of course, the whole concept is inherently Japanese, but...  --AC
The clothes again dressed by Ayanami are increasing in number sharply!  Broccoli-nyo.  That explains a lot.  In translation, it's everything you would expect if you'd played PrincessMaker and had a mind warped enough to contemplate the idea.  The original is for the Pc, and that appears to be a DreamCast version - and they are obscenely pleased with the LimitedEdition mouse.  And, uh, there are lots more outfits which is in some way good.  I've just realised that there is probably a DigiCharat sim out there somewhere.
AlexChurchill found this image. I'm not sure if it's actually referring to the same game as referred to above, or even from something that exists.  But it's a wacky enough prospect that I thought I'd share it with everyone.  Cute little Asukas and Reis... *shudder*...
Image: 69
I think it's a reference to the same game; certainly, the logo's the same. And it's rather prophetic; Gainax just released an Asuka ParentingSim this month, too... somehow, I can't see the concept working quite as well, though. - tjm
This month? Looks from [this page] like it was released in May 2001 for Windows, and April 2002 for Dreamcast.  Not that it matters.
PeopleAreStrange?.  It might have to do with how badly messed up the series was - but that theory doesn't stand up to the evidence that there are no "kick shinji in the head repeatedly" simulators.  --Vitenka (I'd buy one of those)

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Last edited July 31, 2003 3:21 pm (viewing revision 15, which is the newest) (diff)