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Name: Daedalus
Course: None... yet
LOL!  I like the idea of the /UniversityOfCambridge admitting a /Phoenix for undergrad study... Biomagic, presumably??  (Or maybe /Daedalus would be the one doing the teaching... *boggle*)
Species: /Phoenix
Blood Group: Unknown / Inapplicable?
Likes: /Megaera
Romance: Single (it's only just hatched!)
Although... if w02 can be believed, all known phoenixes are female, but Daedalus isn't. Sounds like he may get popular with the lady phoenixes... ;)
MikeJeggo wonders how a Phoenix could be anything other than single, short of cross-species couples.  Ah, this is PhoenixFeathers, there may be several such matches already extant :)

Plot:Hatched from an egg in the basement of a university department, watched by /Megaera. Managed to escape the next morning, found /Megaera's room, did a mystic swap with /Shaam, who now looks like a phoenix.  /Shaam was then "recaptured" (by mistake) by the university, and /Daedalus now follows /Megaera everywhere. The /StudentCommittee? tried to take him from her, but she defied them and forced them to back down.

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Last edited June 1, 2004 3:45 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)