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Image: 62

Name: Yozhik Sery'e
Course: Computer Wizardry
Species: Human
/GateRanking: Moonstone (n17)
Blood Group: A
Likes: Coffee

Apparently the guy to turn to if you're stuck with a Phoenix.

I've been informed his name translates as "little hedgehog" in Russian --CH
That would explain the hair  {g}.  --Vitenka
Hedgehog-chan! --Kazuhiko
Mix and match languages day!  (Yozhik-chan, eh? :)) -- Senji
But that would be little little hedgehog.  --Vitenka (LittleConqueror?)
I love yozhik.. he rocks ^^;;; my fave PF character  --Denji
I must admit that at first I wasn't totally convinced of Yozhik's gender.  Possibly because he was introduced with /Nagi, who is very blatantly male.  But then maybe I'm just obtuse.  --FR
NoNo?, that's a fairly normal reaction to the pf cast.  --Vitenka

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Last edited November 14, 2004 6:19 pm (viewing revision 18, which is the newest) (diff)