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There was a group MSN conversation to discuss methods of introducing ChrisHowlett to the Diablo II game discussed at the bottom of /RPGQuotes. Or at least, that was how it started off. At one point I launched Diablo II to check on the levels of my characters, and when closing a few superflous windows down, accidentally lost the chat window. I reopened one with Requiem and asked to be readmitted to the group chat I'd accidentally lost. Little did I know that our chat clients had other ideas. As did ChessyPig and NickTaylor, who are responsible for most of the mischief. I think. NotWorkSafe?, NotGenerallySafe?, in fact just BadAndWrong?. But very, very silly, and often rather amusing.

This is what the conversation looked like to StuartFraser:

[17:50] happy | Requiem >: My highest-level character is FurBoy?, a lvl 25 bear-druid.
[17:50] Stuart: (oops. Could you invite me back into the group conversation, I appear to have lost it)
[17:51] happy | Requiem >: Oh.  I thought you were in it.
[17:51] happy | Requiem >: I see four people, and you're one of them.
[17:51] happy | Requiem >: But he might not see all of us.
[17:51] happy | Requiem >: OTOH, it could be just that nobody else has been speaking.
[17:51] happy | Requiem >: (obstrep. obstrep.)
[17:51] happy | Requiem >: Obstrep?
[17:52] Stuart: *falls off chair laughing*
[17:52] happy | Requiem >: It's a particularly obnoxious throat illness.
[17:52] Stuart: OK. I am in the group conversation. Except that my computer thinks it is a two way conversation with Ian and is attributing all of your comments to him.
[17:52] happy | Requiem >: ^_^
[17:52] * happy | Requiem > giggles.
[17:52] * happy | Requiem > did not giggle, Michelle did.
[17:52] happy | Requiem >: Obviously I should think of something scandelous to say.
[17:53] * happy | Requiem > refuses to have that comment attributed to him
[17:53] Stuart: You don't have much choice in the matter.
[17:53] happy | Requiem >: So, dead baby jokes.
[17:53] happy | Requiem >: bah.
[17:53] happy | Requiem >: (obstrep.)
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: Maybe I should just spell things badly.
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: Or we could write really bad porn.
[17:54] Stuart: You already were. Well, someone was.
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: That would be pretty irritating, yes.
[17:54] * happy | Requiem > denies everything
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: Mmm, porn.
[17:54] Stuart: Requiem/Requiem? slash!
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: (I wrote "port" first... I think my brain might not be traditional)
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: Ooh, Requiem, what are *you* wearing?
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: mmm, port
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: Port.
[17:54] Stuart: Starboard
[17:54] happy | Requiem >: Just port?
[17:55] happy | Requiem >: wince
[17:55] * happy | Requiem > loses the game
[17:55] happy | Requiem >: My Nokes, they are dressed in just port. It isn't staying on very well.
[17:55] happy | Requiem >: Lickety lick.
[17:55] happy | Requiem >: And hilarity ensued.
[17:55] * happy | Requiem > goes and hides in the corner
[17:55] * happy | Requiem > is finding this pretty hilarious, really.
[17:56] * happy | Requiem > stalks the hiding Requiem.
[17:56] Stuart: I see:
 [17:55] * happy | Requiem > goes and hides in the corner
[17:55] * happy | Requiem > is finding this pretty hilarious, really.
[17:56] * happy | Requiem > stalks the hiding Requiem.
[17:56] happy | Requiem >: perdo imaginem.
[17:56] happy | Requiem >: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[17:56] happy | Requiem >: Perdo mentem.  Let us never speak of this again?
[17:56] happy | Requiem >: Don't you mean perdo herbam? *purr*
[17:57] happy | Requiem >: Magical three-headed Requiem porn!
[17:57] happy | Requiem >: Port is aquam, isn't it?  Even though it's made of plants.
[17:57] happy | Requiem >: yes, it's aquam. But I'm using perdo imaginem to hide from the stalking Requiem
[17:58] happy | Requiem >: Intellego corpus!
[17:58] happy | Requiem >: But are you managing to destroy the species of vis-vision?
[17:58] happy | Requiem >: (I really need a vision-target spell detector.
[17:58] happy | Requiem >: (It's like Top Trumps, with Ars Magica forms!)
[17:58] happy | Requiem >: bah, do I need to bury you all in dirt?
[17:58] happy | Requiem >: Is it the McGuffin?
[17:59] happy | Requiem >: Yes!
[17:59] happy | Requiem >: Then I don't burn it.
[17:59] happy | Requiem >: yay!
[17:59] happy | Requiem >: If that's your kink...
[17:59] Stuart: I have this feeling I should post my chat log for this somewhere.
[17:59] happy | Requiem >: Absolutely.
[17:59] * happy | Requiem > giggles
[17:59] happy | Requiem >: It's so much more fun when you can't tell who's speaking.
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: Toothywiki! CURSwiki!
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: Especially now we're copying one another's styles.
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: (hrmm.  Would it be perdo or muto imaginem to make three voices indistinguishable?)
[18:00] Stuart: I have a vague idea. I know who has which ArM character.
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: Oh, you think we're staying in character?
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: On reflection, probably muto.
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: It's a good working model.
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: You could destroy their distinctions, you see.
[18:00] happy | Requiem >: Well, it's a good model.
[18:01] happy | Requiem >: You could work with it, if you wanted.
[18:01] happy | Requiem >: Yes, but it doesn't work.
[18:01] * happy | Requiem > models the port, as that's apparently all I'm wearing.
[18:01] * happy | Requiem > raises an eyebrow
[18:01] * happy | Requiem > lowers it again
[18:02] * happy | Requiem > raises it
[18:02] * happy | Requiem > shakes it all about
[18:03] * happy | Requiem > whimpers quietly
[18:03] Stuart: I'm not sure if all of this looks weirder to you lot or me. I mean, bits of it are supposed to make sense from my point of view, but it probably makes more sense overall if you know who is typing.
[18:03] happy | Requiem >: Beware!  Yer eyebrows are mine!
[18:03] happy | Requiem >: This probably deserves a page all to itself.
[18:03] Stuart: I planned on giving it one
[18:04] * happy | Requiem > reaches speculatively in the direction of Stuart's eyebrows.
[18:04] Stuart: *slaps hand away* how terribly presumptive of you
[18:04] happy | Requiem >: You know, I'm not sure it does make more sense to us, because we're deliberately playing semi-cooperative silly buggers.
[18:05] happy | Requiem >: Talking of buggers... *flutters eyelashes*
[18:05] * happy | Requiem > reaches speculatively in the direction of Stuart's un-guarded, waving hand.
[18:05] * happy | Requiem > 's other hand grabs the one that is speculatively reaching, and returns it to its proper place
[18:06] happy | Requiem >: Which is, of course, attempting to preserve the modesty of my port-clad body.
[18:06] * happy | Requiem > briefly becomes Dr. Strangelove
[18:07] happy | Requiem >: (Game!)
[18:07] Stuart: Set, and Match
[18:07] happy | Requiem >: My Nokes are now wearing white cycling shorts.
[18:07] happy | Requiem >: mmm, white lycra
[18:07] happy | Requiem >: Am I wearing white cycling shorts?
[18:07] * happy | Requiem > produces white cycling shorts out of something analogous to HammerSpace?
[18:08] Stuart: Moreover, why are your shorts cycling, and should they be let out on the streets of Cambridge unsupervised?
[18:08] happy | Requiem >: Oops, these appear to be in Stuart's size...
[18:08] happy | Requiem >: For port-clad boaties, rather than cute girls?
[18:08] * Stuart denies being a cute girl
[18:08] happy | Requiem >: I suspect cycles would do better than about half the students.
[18:08] happy | Requiem >: Perdo Cycling Shorts
[18:08] Stuart: Herbam. Probably.
[18:09] happy | Requiem >: Terram, I was thinking
[18:09] happy | Requiem >: I suppose oil comes out of the ground.
[18:09] happy | Requiem >: You see, I probably should have a pair first, to impress you with my manly thighs.
[18:10] happy | Requiem >: Plastic is probably Terram even though oil is Aquam
[18:10] happy | Requiem >: I think possibly ArModern? would need some extra forms.
[18:10] happy | Requiem >: So, that'll be Creo Terram with a Corpus requisite...
[18:10] happy | Requiem >: To create my manly thighs?
[18:11] * happy | Requiem > waves his hands about and chants for a bit.
[18:11] * Stuart hides
[18:11] * happy | Requiem > is suddenly wearing a pair of very tight-fitting white cycling shorts.
[18:11] * happy | Requiem > strikes a pose.
[18:11] * happy | Requiem > looks around for Stuart, disappointedly.
[18:11] * happy | Requiem > puts it back again
[18:12] happy | Requiem >: Maybe I was more attractive when I was naked except for a slight sheen of port.
[18:12] Stuart: you hear a very quiet "eep!" from a corner
[18:12] happy | Requiem >: Aha!  That's where he's got to!
[18:12] * happy | Requiem > (or rather a third of him) hides
[18:13] * happy | Requiem > falls over
[18:13] happy | Requiem >: Come back with that leg, SpareHead? 3!
[18:13] * happy | Requiem > tries to pull himself into a sitting position.
[18:14] * happy | Requiem > continues partly to hide
[18:14] happy | Requiem >: Stuart, dearest, you'd prefer your tasty boatie with both of his legs, wouldn't you, sweetums?
[18:14] * happy | Requiem > adopts a position reminiscent of some kind of stability exercise
[18:15] happy | Requiem >: (when only one leg you have, so much stability you will not have!)
[18:16] happy | Requiem >: bah
[18:16] * happy | Requiem > hops
[18:16] Stuart: Aaaaaaa
[18:16] * Stuart hides somewhere else
[18:16] happy | Requiem >: I'll see your Aaaaaaa, and raise you an "eeep"
[18:17] happy | Requiem >: I can't see his Aaaaaaa.  He's hiding.
[18:17] happy | Requiem >: I'm confused.
[18:17] happy | Requiem >: *You're* confused?
[18:17] happy | Requiem >: I'm confused.
[18:17] * happy | Requiem > hops over to the spare leg.
[18:17] Stuart: is it square?
[18:17] happy | Requiem >: *it hops away*
[18:17] * happy | Requiem > looks at it reproachfully.
[18:18] happy | Requiem >: *it hops FASTER*
[18:18] happy | Requiem >: *hop* *hop* *hop*
[18:18] happy | Requiem >: Aha, but I have the advantage of *arms*.
[18:18] happy | Requiem >: *hop* *hop* *hop*
[18:18] Stuart: Because if it was square, and you needed someone to adjudicate over who would control it....you'd need a square leg umpire.
[18:18] * happy | Requiem > starts a three legged crawl.
[18:18] * happy | Requiem > stops it
[18:19] happy | Requiem >: *hop* *hop* *hop*
[18:19] happy | Requiem >: apparently, the leg has domain miracles
[18:19] * happy | Requiem > loses valuable time pausing to groan at the cricket reference.
[18:19] * happy | Requiem > bats his eyelashes at Stuart.
[18:19] * Stuart bowls at the eyelashes
[18:19] happy | Requiem >: You'll still love me if I only have one leg, won't you?
[18:20] * happy | Requiem > is cruelly knocked down by a cricket ball to the eye.
[18:20] happy | Requiem >: Ow.
[18:20] happy | Requiem >: *the leg tries to catch the ball*
[18:22] * happy | Requiem > sees the wiki page and giggles with hilarity
[18:22] happy | Requiem >: Maybe we should post the log from this end too...
[18:23] Stuart: Can you giggle with hilarity?
[18:23] happy | Requiem >: I just did.
[18:23] * happy | Requiem > giggles with hilarity
[18:24] happy | Requiem >: Pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies.
[18:24] Stuart: Pixies?
[18:24] happy | Requiem >: With sparkly pixie dust.
[18:24] Stuart: Why?
[18:24] happy | Requiem >: Mushroom!  Mushroom!
[18:24] happy | Requiem >: All the better to glitter up with for a night on the town, sweetums.
[18:25] * happy | Requiem > beats another of the three heads over the head
[18:25] * happy | Requiem > lapses into blissful unconsciousness.
[18:25] happy | Requiem >: Doesn't pixie dust make you invisible?
[18:25] happy | Requiem >: (Hall?)
[18:25] * happy | Requiem > disappears
[18:25] happy | Requiem >: Pixies.
[18:25] * happy | Requiem > reappears
[18:25] happy | Requiem >: hall a possibility.
[18:26] happy | Requiem >: I shall not make physics jokes about the hall effect.
[18:26] * happy | Requiem > remembers sluggishly that two of his heads are still operation and un-unconsciouses.
[18:26] Stuart: I think there was a preposition missing there somewhere
[18:26] happy | Requiem >: I remain repentant for that one.
[18:26] happy | Requiem >: I would, but I'm obviously an imposter (gasp!) because I don't know any.
[18:26] Stuart: Although it's possible that one of your heads is an annoying boardgame
[18:27] happy | Requiem >: haha! one of the heads shows its identity!
[18:27] Stuart: But I have no idea which one....
[18:27] * happy | Requiem > cowers. Don't hurt me!
[18:27] * happy | Requiem > moves around so as to confuse Stuart some more
[18:28] happy | Requiem >: Nassssssssty cricket-ballsssesss.
[18:28] * Stuart carefully marks out a sixteen step run-up
[18:29] Stuart: Ostentatiously.
[18:29] * happy | Requiem > carefully erects a large cricket-ball shelter
[18:29] * Stuart uses ordinary-sized cricket balls.
[18:29] happy | Requiem >: foiled again!
[18:29] happy | Requiem >: The nefariousness of your scheme astounds me!
[18:29] * happy | Requiem > applies foil
[18:29] * happy | Requiem > produces a miniaturized armour-piercing cricket ball.
[18:30] happy | Requiem >: Nefariosity!
[18:30] happy | Requiem >: Nefariousness!
[18:30] happy | Requiem >: Possibly even nefarity, by analogy with hilarity.
[18:30] happy | Requiem >: Nefarity!
[18:30] Stuart: Antidisnefarianism!
[18:30] happy | Requiem >: Antedisnefarianism!
[18:31] happy | Requiem >: Rastafarianism!
[18:31] happy | Requiem >: man!
[18:31] * happy | Requiem > observes that two of his heads can go eat now
[18:31] * happy | Requiem > produces THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SPLIFF
[18:31] happy | Requiem >: And disappears in a puff of smoke.
[18:32] happy | Requiem >: ><
[18:32] happy | Requiem >: Man, that's good stuff...
[18:32] Stuart: *peeks out from hiding place* Have they gone yet?
[18:32] happy | Requiem >: I hope so.  They need to eat.
[18:32] happy | Requiem >: *from another hiding place* no...
[18:32] happy | Requiem >: hmm. Hall, Spare Head 2?
[18:33] happy | Requiem >: /nick SpareHead3?
[18:33] happy | Requiem >: oops
[18:33] happy | Requiem >: Yes, yes, you two shoo. *looks at Stuart* It's just you and me now, sweetums... *blows kiss*
[18:33] Stuart: *hides again*
[18:34] Stuart: *peeps head around corner*
[18:34] * happy | Requiem > smiles sweetly and gives you a little wave.
[18:34] happy | Requiem >: Whenever you're ready, sweetums...
[18:35] Stuart: Hmm. We appear to have settled down to one head now. Although this would just be you lot behaving.
[18:35] Stuart: Well, misbehaving.
[18:35] happy | Requiem >: Heads Behaving Badly!
[18:35] Stuart: Hmm. Writing style: Nick, but troublemaking coefficient: Michelle.
[18:36] happy | Requiem >: It's a double act!
[18:36] happy | Requiem >: A one-man double act!
[18:35] Stuart: I think someone should charge you with impersonation.
[18:36] Stuart: Also, with a lance.
[18:36] * happy | Requiem > denies a lance.
[18:36] happy | Requiem >: How about with port?
[18:36] Stuart: How does one charge with port?
[18:36] happy | Requiem >: It's like an enema, but more expensive.
[18:36] happy | Requiem >: One fills one's glass with port, I believe.
[18:37] happy | Requiem >: I suspect a port enema would be rather uncomfortable.
[18:37] happy | Requiem >: Also, certain of my heads should be eating now.
[18:37] * happy | Requiem > eyes you hungrily.
[18:38] Stuart: Aaa. Time to run away again, possibly erecting large signs labelling the direction of hall.
[18:38] happy | Requiem >: I assumed I was being eyed.
[18:38] happy | Requiem >: But you're such a delectable little morsel.
[18:39] happy | Requiem >: Is eating oneself worse than cannibalism?
[18:39] Stuart: Eating oneself surely is cannibalism
[18:39] * Stuart denies all rumours of delectability
[18:40] Stuart: Anyway, you should go and eat (not me). And I should start cooking stuff. Farewell, you demented people. https://www.toothycat.net/wiki/wiki.pl?StuartFraser/AndAllBecauseIClosedTheWrongWindow

If one of NickTaylor, Requiem (who probably needs to do some reputation mending, following that) or ChessyPig wishes to log what it really looked like, feel free:

Nicholas: My highest-level character is FurBoy?, a lvl 25 bear-druid.
Stuart: (oops. Could you invite me back into the group conversation, I appear to have lost it)
Nicholas: Oh.  I thought you were in it.
Nicholas: I see four people, and you're one of them.
Michelle: But he might not see all of us.
Michelle: OTOH, it could be just that nobody else has been speaking.
Michelle: (obstrep. obstrep.)
Nicholas: Obstrep?
Stuart: *falls off chair laughing*
Requiem: It's a particularly obnoxious throat illness.
Stuart: OK. I am in the group
Requiem: ^_^
Michelle: Obviously I should think of something scandelous to say.
Stuart: You don't have much
Nicholas: So, dead baby jokes.
Requiem: bah.
Requiem: (obstrep.)
Michelle: Maybe I should just spell things badly.
Michelle: Or we could write really bad porn.
Stuart: You already were. Well, someone was.
Nicholas: That would be pretty irritating, yes.
Nicholas: Mmm, porn.
Stuart: Requiem/Requiem?
Nicholas: (I wrote "port" first... I think my brain might not be traditional)
Michelle: Ooh, Requiem, what are *you* wearing?
Requiem: mmm, port
Nicholas: Port.
Stuart: Starboard
Michelle: Just port?
Requiem: wince
Michelle: My Nokes, they are dressed in just port. It isn't staying on very well.
Nicholas: Lickety lick.
Requiem: And hilarity ensued.
Requiem: perdo imaginem.
Stuart: ! see:
Requiem: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nicholas: Perdo mentem.  Let us never speak of this again?
Michelle: Don't you mean perdo herbam? *purr*
Michelle: Magical three-headed Requiem porn!
Nicholas: Port is aquam, isn't it?  Even though it's made of plants.
Requiem: yes, it's aquam. But I'm using perdo imaginem to hide from the stalking Requiem
Michelle: Intellego corpus!
Nicholas: But are you managing to destroy the species of vis-vision?
Nicholas: (I really need a vision-target spell detector.
Michelle: (It's like Top Trumps, with Ars Magica forms!)
Requiem: bah, do I need to bury you all in dirt?
Nicholas: Is it the McGuffin?
Requiem: Yes!
Nicholas: Then I don't burn it.
Requiem: yay!
Michelle: If that's your kink...
Stuart: I have this
Michelle: Absolutely.
Nicholas: It's so much more fun when you can't tell who's speaking.
Michelle: Toothywiki! CURSwiki!
Requiem: Especially now we're copying one another's styles.
Nicholas: (hrmm.  Would it be perdo or muto imaginem to make three voices indistinguishable?)
Stuart: I have a vague idea. I know who has which ArM character.
Requiem: Oh, you think we're staying in character?
Michelle: On reflection, probably muto.
Nicholas: It's a good working model.
Nicholas: You could destroy their distinctions, you see.
Requiem: Well, it's a good model.
Nicholas: You could work with it, if you wanted.
Requiem: Yes, but it doesn't work.
Stuart: I'm not sure if all of this looks weirder to you lot or me. I mean,
Nicholas: Beware!  Yer eyebrows are mine!
Requiem: This probably deserves a page all to itself.
Stuart: I planned on giving it one
Stuart: *slaps hand away* how terribly presumptive of you
Requiem: You know, I'm not sure it does make more sense to us, because we're deliberately playing semi-cooperative silly buggers.
Michelle: Talking of buggers... *flutters eyelashes*
Michelle: Which is, of course, attempting to preserve the modesty of my port-clad body.
Nicholas: (Game!)
Stuart: Set, and Match
Michelle: My Nokes are now wearing white cycling shorts.
Requiem: mmm, white lycra
Nicholas: Am I wearing white cycling shorts?
Stuart: Moreover, why are your
Michelle: Oops, these appear to be in Stuart's size...
Nicholas: For port-clad boaties, rather than cute girls?
Stuart: denies
Nicholas: I suspect cycles would do better than about half the students.
Requiem: Perdo Cycling Shorts
Stuart: Herbam. Probably.
Requiem: Terram, I was thinking
Nicholas: I suppose oil comes out of the ground.
Michelle: You see, I probably should have a pair first, to impress you with my manly thighs.
Requiem: Plastic is probably Terram even though oil is Aquam
Nicholas: I think possibly ArModern? would need some extra forms.
Michelle: So, that'll be Creo Terram with a Corpus requisite...
Nicholas: To create my manly thighs?
Michelle: Maybe I was more attractive when I was naked except for a slight sheen of port.
Stuart: you hear a very quiet "eep!" from a corner
Nicholas: Aha!  That's where he's got to!
Nicholas: Come back with that leg, SpareHead? 3!
Michelle: Stuart, dearest, you'd prefer your tasty boatie with both of his legs, wouldn't you, sweetums?
Nicholas: (when only one leg you have, so much stability you will not have!)
Requiem: bah
Stuart: Aaaaaaa
Requiem: I'll see your Aaaaaaa, and raise you an "eeep"
Nicholas: I can't see his Aaaaaaa.  He's hiding.
Michelle: I'm confused.
Nicholas: *You're* confused?
Requiem: I'm confused.
Stuart: is it square?
Requiem: *it hops away*
Requiem: *it hops FASTER*
Michelle: *hop* *hop* *hop*
Michelle: Aha, but I have the advantage of *arms*.
Requiem: *hop* *hop* *hop*
Stuart: Because if it was square, and you needed someone to adjudicate over who would control it....you'd need a square leg umpire.
Requiem: *hop* *hop* *hop*
Requiem: apparently, the leg has domain miracles
Michelle: You'll still love me if I only have one leg, won't you?
Nicholas: Ow.
Requiem: *the leg tries to catch the ball*
Requiem: Maybe we should post the log from this end too...
Stuart: Can you giggle with hilarity?
Nicholas: I just did.
Requiem: Pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies pixies.
Stuart: Pixies?
Michelle: With sparkly pixie dust.
Stuart: Why?
Nicholas: Mushroom!  Mushroom!
Michelle: All the better to glitter up with for a night on the town, sweetums.
Nicholas: Doesn't pixie dust make you invisible?
Michelle: (Hall?)
Requiem: Pixies.
Requiem: hall a possibility.
Requiem: I shall not make physics jokes about the hall effect.
Stuart: I think there was a
Nicholas: I remain repentant for that one.
Michelle: I would, but I'm obviously an imposter (gasp!) because I don't know any.
Stuart: Although it's possible that one of your heads is an annoying boardgame
Requiem: haha! one of the heads shows its identity!
Stuart: But I have no idea which one....
Michelle: Nassssssssty cricket-ballsssesss.
Stuart: Ostentatiously.
Stuart: uses ordinary-sized
Requiem: foiled again!
Michelle: The nefariousness of your scheme astounds me!
Nicholas: Nefariosity!
Michelle: Nefariousness!
Nicholas: Possibly even nefarity, by analogy with hilarity.
Requiem: Nefarity!
Stuart: Antidisnefarianism!
Requiem: Antedisnefarianism!
Nicholas: Rastafarianism!
Requiem: man!
Michelle: And disappears in a puff of smoke.
Requiem: ><
Michelle: Man, that's good stuff...
Stuart: *peeks out from hiding place* Have they gone yet?
Nicholas: I hope so.  They need to eat.
Requiem: *from another hiding place* no...
Requiem: hmm. Hall, Spare Head 2?
Requiem: /nick SpareHead3?
Requiem: oops
Michelle: Yes, yes, you two shoo. *looks at Stuart* It's just you and me now, sweetums... *blows kiss*
Stuart: *hides again*
Stuart: *peeps head around corner*
Michelle: Whenever you're ready, sweetums...
Stuart: Hmm. We appear to have settled down to one head now. Although this would just be you lot behaving.
Stuart: Well, misbehaving.
Nicholas: Heads Behaving Badly!
Stuart: Hmm.
Requiem: It's a double act!
Requiem: A one-man double act!
Stuart: I think someone should charge you with
Stuart: Also, with a
Nicholas: How about with port?
Stuart: How does one charge with port?
Michelle: It's like an enema, but more expensive.
Nicholas: One fills one's glass with port, I believe.
Nicholas: I suspect a port enema would be rather uncomfortable.
Nicholas: Also, certain of my heads should be eating now.
Stuart: Aaa. Time to run away again, possibly erecting large signs labelling the direction of hall.
Nicholas: I assumed I was being eyed.
Michelle: But you're such a delectable little morsel.
Nicholas: Is eating oneself worse than cannibalism?
Stuart: Eating oneself surely is cannibalism
Stuart: denies all
Stuart: Anyway, you should go and eat (not me). And I should start
Nicholas: Bye.

This is missing words, because Requiem's IM client (trillian) is playing up. Feel free to correct, those who know.

Actually, having read the real text of the conversation, SF is not sure Michelle would be any safer with this out-of-context than Requiem is ;-)

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