The real otaku can use something like this to translate back and forth.
AlexChurchill is *so* tempted to nominate this page (or /Code) for CategoryKittenTechnicalMatters. But describing Sha'am as a kitten is unfortunately a slight stretch. Cat, yes; kitten, not really...
I somehow imagine puffycat kittens as looking something like the SootSprite?s in MyNeighbourTotoro?... Only in slightly more psychedelic colours... --K
So, the name has no reference to the cat seen from time to time in AzumangaDaioh? --FR
No - we were around long before AzumangaDaioh made it to the West (in mass-produced form, anyway, I think; certainly long before we were aware of the Azu kitty). The resemblance has, however, been thoroughly noted :) - SunKitten
HamStress has met a cat with no teeth. Would that be a Toothless Cat, a Non Toothy Cat or just a Plain ol' boring cat?