18-97-14-85.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | HarryPotter | RecentChanges | Login What can we say about hufflepuff? Well, first of all - Hufflepuff is, undoubtably, the most important house. Dogged and loyal - a hufflepuff doesn't stop for anything. Doesn't matter how strong you are, how sneaky, how clever - eventually you will tire out. Unless you're a hufflepuffler. You want to fall over? No? Then bid. --Vitenka
Purely because they don't feature in the books. Wait. I don't know that. There's no way I could know that. I was never here.
That's not actually, entirely, true, you know...
Fair point. Being named after a BeatrixPotter? character is also an advantage.
In fact, we know of at least a dozen members of the House...
It is one of the best houses since it is the least discriminative house, or does it simply takes in rejects? -ColinLeung
I think one of the descriptions bluntly says it's for "everyone else", but everyone of course has HiddenStrengths?, so that's OK... :) --Kazuhiko
Yes, we thought that was possibly a little insulting of the /SortingHat, but...
Do they ever do anything except get beaten at Quidddiddititititich?
Some of them join the DA in HP5.
I think that that Hufflepuff founded the house so that Hogwarts didn't become too elitist.--King DJ
Huzzah! The Hufflepuff Opportunity Bursaries are a longstanding adjunct to the Hogwards Special Access Scheme, helping students from disadvantaged backgrounds get into the country's most prestigious academic institution. --Requiem ^_^