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... are adventurous things [apparently].

ToDo: Add appropriate [OzyAndMillie] cartoon link and create CategoryDuck for the large number of Duck related pages that have sprung up across the Wiki.
*creates said category* Dramatic hero or odd-job man?  You decide. -- PaulPower
There may not be too much difference. --AlexChurchill
SeeAlso: CategoryRampantOverCategoriser.  And I still can't find the [OzyAndMillie] I was thinking of.  --Vitenka
Will [this] do? --Admiral

Chris Wontner once compared everything in physics to rubber ducks, particulary particles. Ah, those were the days... White universes and the four fundamental laws should be on the A level Physics curriculum. Ask MoonShadow as my ramblethreshold is currently set to 2.2 sentences. -- Garbled

RubberDucks. The rest of the PencilcaseCrew? are hit by the flying pencil sharpenings.

CategoryRandom, CategoryDuck

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Last edited July 27, 2009 11:13 pm (viewing revision 12, which is the newest) (diff)