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UltimateDream is a fantasy novel written by AlexChurchill, in the form of a sequence of posts and comments on a blog. It deals with CRPGs, amongst other things :)

Read it!

To read the novel, [click here]. It's free and online!

About it

UltimateDream was started in November 2006 as I took part in NaNoWriMo, the annual contest to write 50000 words of a new novel in one month. I succeeded... but the story wasn't finished in 50000 words. It took me until September 2007 to write the remaining 20000 words and do some editing.

Comment on it!

If you have anything you'd like to say about UltimateDream, you can add it here. Or if you prefer, you can email AlexChurchill directly at the address on his page. I'm afraid you can't add comments to the individual blog posts ;)


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Last edited January 25, 2008 1:09 am (viewing revision 11, which is the newest) (diff)