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[Kingdom of Loathing]

Yet Another MMORPG.

Notable features:
Most of it to do with food. The currency of the game is Meat, the magic system is pasta based ( you can be a Pastamancer or a Sauceror, who tap into the power of the Cosmic Sauce ), and you can utilize your cooking, meatsmithing and cocktailcrafting skills.

Some more precise features:
Whilst at first this appears to be an excellent mechanic for preventing people from spending every waking hour playing, don't be fooled; it is still entirely possible to waste an arbitrary amount of time playing this. Don't start in exam term.
Almost the entire world is instanced for each player, and there is no requirement to become involved in PVP, to join a clan, or even to become aware that there are other people playing the game at all; it can be played as a web-based single player RPG.

Low-key, free, and not quite as much of a CategoryTimeSink as many of its competitors. Probably not for everyone, though.

MoonShadow has been playing this for some while now and rather enjoying the micktaking of just about all forms of culture that it does. It's relatively straightforward to acquire more turns than the basic 40, but you do still end up being limited to about 80 or so per day because of assorted effects. Typically it takes MoonShadow 20-30 minutes to get through a day's worth of turns.

Current Wikizen players:

Also responsible for running the [Player Picture Site] but it needs some attention.

ChrisHowlett is no longer using it as a small CategoryTimeSink, but is a member of clan ToothyCat under the name Chowlett.

Xarak likes this game. He will join ToothyCat, name "basha" ( yeah I know it's poor... ) the Pastamancer.

ChessyPig has been playing for a while now. "kastaka" (the Disco Bandit, because they had the coolest picture)

..the people who've applied are now in ;) Help yourselves to the stash if you have a use for any of it, it's all stuff I don't need. Feel free to dump your excess stuff here too. Hey, anyone fancy sharing recipes? - MoonShadow

Thanks. If people don't mind it, I can give out a web-address I've googled with most recipes on it. It also has quest solutions and familiar-acquiring notes, if that bothers you. --CH

Clan ToothyCat now has the following:

MoonShadow intends to also eventually buy the calendar and the hoboflex machine (3 extra turns per day for all clan members); he'll be able to get them a little quicker if other people fancy helping out by spending 2-3 turns a day on the Icy Peak of MtMcLargeHuge? if they can or in the Cobb's Knob treasury failing that, and donating the proceeds..

Vitenka has, foolishly, signed up once more.

I am a clan master, here's what I think, dump all the stat gear, its worthless focus on the extra turns and meat. Also if anyone needs noodles or food contact Hautrek in game, i have tons of noodles. --GigaClon

Message for everyone who still has an account...  You should probably go visit the Dungeon Full of Dungeons.  I think you'll like the new addition. --K
Oh, I approve... ;) - MoonShadow
I can't believe it too me so long to figure that out! It was only a floating "e" that clued me in... --ChrisHowlett

Oh, how dull. Obtaining and using a + removes the confusing-ness from it. --CH

Kazuhiko is back in (as Zarigani, the Turtle Tamer).  Clan ToothyCat appears to be gone so I'm assuming everyone else quit playing a long time ago as well.

The most notable change is that the game is now "completable" with the last quest being given at level 13 (not that you'll be able to complete it at level 13 but that's the theoretical minimum).  Once you have defeated the Naughty Sauceress you are given the option of "ascending" and starting again with another class (but keeping one skill as a permanent).

There's quite a lot more content than there was previously and the huge problems with "bugmeat" appear to have been mostly resolved.

qqzm still has an account with the same name, but I haven't been playing very much recently. Currently trying to reach basement level 500 to get a telescope once a fortnight or so. I'm not in the ToothyCat clan, and don't want to leave my current one.
There isn't a ToothyCat clan to join right now so not a problem :)  Flipping through kolwiki indicates that for basement level 500 you'd be looking at an unbuffed main stat of around 1200 or more...  How long have you been playing?! --K
Had my account since 9th November 2005, but it's been inactive for a lot of that. I've ascended 89 times and collected 41 trophies. Been on my current ascension for 92 days, currently level 31. 1200 seems a bit over the top for level 500. I'm at basement level 401 at the moment, and haven't even come close to having main stat problems at 947 unbuffed, it's my off stats that I'm having trouble with. If you don't have [KolMafia], you should get it. It helps a lot. --qqzm

Where do I get beer glasses, so I get me a bartender-in-a-box? --ChrisHowlett
Dunno; I bought lenses in the market 'cos they were going cheap.. ^^; - MoonShadow
I know, but it's probably a bit of a spoiler. Um. Does this wiki have spoiler-markup (i.e. 'make it white' or something), or should we start a /Spoilers? page? --ChessyPig














CategoryTimeSink (loosely disguised)

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