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Order of the Stick

Location: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots.html
Updates: At random. OnceUponATime it was Mon, Wed, Fri by midnight EST.
Actually Updates: Generally as stated, now that the author's busy convention schedule is quieter. (However, he also has occassional work for TheSpookyWizardWhoLivesByTheCoast).
Rating: U (?) [PG. There are scenes of implied nudity and sex, and healthy dollops of violence. But then they are stick figures, so not overly realistic...]
Recommended by: SunKitten, Angoel, StuartFraser, ChrisHowlett, Requiem, MoonShadow, Tsunami, PeterTaylor, Garbled, Admiral
Example Strip: [1] [2] [3] [4] [Monty Python homage] [Original solution to classic riddle] (but they're all funny..) (well, most of them at least)

Curse you! I was up to 1:30 because of that. --CH

StuartFraser has a copy of the (zeroth or second) book "On the Origin of PCs", if people who can readily find him are interested in borrowing it.

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Last edited August 28, 2015 3:20 pm (viewing revision 32, which is the newest) (diff)