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Eponymous MainCharacter? of the MegaDrive ComputerGame.

Ye gods.  This franchise is as big as TenchiMuyo.  It's an abomination.  It really is.

I am not even going to try and list all the platforms the games appeared on.  Let's just say that the GameGear? and the MasterSystem? got most of the early games under different names, and that the GameCube gets the later ones (under a 'DirectorsCut?' label)  I'm pretty sure there were some for the short lived NeoGeo? HandHeld? and I know that the ThreeDee? one, at least, started in an ArcadeMachine?.

The Games

The Cartoons

Anime - I'm not gonna pick that fight today :)

Also the name given to a particular protein thought to be involved in the transmission of memory.

CategoryComputerGames | CategoryAnime | FanBoyAlert? | Hedgehog?

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Last edited October 2, 2008 2:50 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)