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Non-spoily summary of the start:
Terminally genki, kind and sweet high-school girl with tragic home situation lives in a tent.  Avalanche happens, tent involved, so she has to go live in a conveniently nearby house which is home to at least three bishounen (there are at least nine around), most/all of whom are brothers or otherwise related, and some of whom there are going to be RomanticComplications?(TM) with in the future.

Yes, it's a HaremAnime in reverse ^.~  Or perhaps more accurately, a shoujo version of a HaremAnime, since there aren't any signs of hot springs or fanservice yet, but instead lots of indications of romance, personality clashes, angst, and other shoujo things.

Oh yes, there are also mystic shape-changing things going on.  But I suspect they are rather secondary to the important things, like just who's going to develop feelings for who at just the wrong time, etc.

Oh my goodness, my review style is turning into Vitenka...


Or maybe even into Vitenka's style? --MJ

(The above was written after having only seen two episodes, so if this doesn't adequately characterise the series, then someone who knows more about it please have a try at a better (non-spoily) description here.)

The emphasis seems not to focus on RomanticComplications? to any great degree - although there are nods in that direction. Relationships between characters (with some degree of focus on the Dark Past (TM) of the Sohma clan) absorb most of the screen time - in the non-romantic sense. It's also very good, and insanely funny in parts (as anyone who watches it from next to AlexChurchill will attest).

Just a small question: are there, in fact, more than 26 episodes?  I have the first twenty six, and although they come to a sort of end, there is an awful lot still unresolved.  --FR

Dom from MegaTokyo wrote this recently:
Kisa, of Fruits Basket, needs to be punched at every opportunity. In the face. Anyone who doesn't think so is obviously a pervert. Or criminally insane.
I have one question: who is Kisa?  Or have we not met him/her/it/fruit/them at WednesdayAnime yet?
I would assume not; she doesn't appear until episode 17. And Dom is either an incredibly, hideously cruel person, or he's got the characters mixed up. Possibly even both... - tjm (I mean, if he was talking about Kagura, I could see his point...)
The former, I would imagine... --Kazuhiko
Definitely the former; quite possibly also the latter. Having met Kagura last night, I could also see his point were he meaning her, although in typical FruitsBasket style Tohru does see good sides to, and even often bring out the best in, Kagura like everyone else...  --AlexChurchill

There are also one or two translated FruitsBasket manga available from TokyoPop.

Zodiac Character list - contains minor spoilers









Yuki - the rat
Kyo - the cat
Shigure - the dog
Hatoru - the dragon (seahorse form)(I think his name is Hatori, hence the nickname Hari --FR)
Momiji - the rabbit
Kagura - the boar
Kisa - the tiger
Ayame - the snake
Hatsuharu - the cow
Name? - the monkey (I forgot it! D'oh)(His name is Ritsu --FR)
Hiro - the sheep
Unaccounted for: the horse, the cockerel
Unknown zodiac - Akito

Although I haven't seen beyond episode 26, I am assured that Akito is the Cockerel.  On a different note, and much as I don't like to think of myself as anything like Dom, I do have a habit while watching this of dividing the Sohmas into the groups of 'Sohmas I want to kill' and 'Sohmas I don't want to kill'.  The only ones who escape this are Akito, since he's basically the bad guy and doesn't count, and the horse since I don't know who that is.  The ones I do want to kill are, basically: Momiji, Kagura, Ayame, monkey guy and Hiro.  Hatori is by far the best character; Momiji's personal trajedy is probably just as bad, but I don't feel the pressing need to take a crowbar to Hatori.  Oh, and I'm not sure that I'd say this is a harem anime, since for those I think you generally need more than two possible love interests, and I think the only realistic ones in this are Yuki and Kyo.  --FR (Just an opinion)


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Last edited September 30, 2007 6:21 pm (viewing revision 19, which is the newest) (diff)