18-97-9-175.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login This was a regular gathering at the home of ToothyWiki, to watch anime. What day it was held on shall be left as an exercise for the astute reader. The group is not currently active.
Wings of Honneamise, Royal space force. For those who haven't seen it, it was one of Gainax' early films (pre Evangelion). It is a remarkable piece of work as it looks at an alternative Earth's attempts to get into space on the eve of war. Subtle and thoughtful, with some unparalleled action sequences. - Tsunami
TrustAndBetrayal? (Kenshin OAV; no need to see the series to understand it).
KaraNoKyoukai? - actually seven movies of varying lengths (50-120mins), so possibly more series-like. By the same people who did Tsukihime, fairly violent.