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This was a regular gathering at the home of ToothyWiki, to watch anime.  What day it was held on shall be left as an exercise for the astute reader. The group is not currently active.


Movie suggestions

Possible movies we could watch:

Movies we have shown:
(any others?)

Anime we have seen

ActiveRaid? (12)
AkatsukiNoYona? (24)
AlderaminOnTheSky? (13)
AldnoahZero? (24 - both seasons)
AllisonAndLillia? (26)
AngelicLayer (26)
AnoHana? (11)
Avenger (13)
AzumangaDaioh (26)
Baccano? (16)
BannerOfTheStars (13)
BannerOfTheStarsII? (10)
BannerOfTheStarsIII? (2)
Barakamon (12)
BattleFairyYukikaze? (5 or so, of varying lengths; /MarathonShowing)
Berserk (25)
BeyondTheClouds? (film)
BlackCat (23)
BlackLagoon? seasons 1 and 2 (24 in total)
Bokurano (10 of 24)
BoogiepopPhantom? (12)
BokuDakeGaInaiMachi? (Erased)
BrotherDearBrother (39)
BunnyGirlSenpai? (13)
Canaan? (13)
Carole&Tuesday (24)
CastleOfCagliostro (film)
ChaikaTheCoffinPrincess? (22)
ChevalierDEon? (24)
ChrnoCrusade (24)
ChihayaFuru? season 1 (25)
ChihayaFuru? season 2 (25)
ChihayaFuru? season 3 (14/25)
ChildrenOfTheWhales? (12)
ChildsToy (19)
Chuunibyou (12)
ClassroomCrisis? (13)
CodeGeass (25)
CodeGeass series 2 (25)
ComicParty (13)
CowboyBebop (26)
CowboyBebop (remastered) (26)
CrestOfTheStars (13)
DarkerThanBlack? (26, /MarathonShowing)
DaughterOfTwentyFaces? (22)
DeathBilliards? (1 episode, prequel to DeathParade?)
DeathNote (37)
DeathParade? (12)
DennouCoil (26)
Dororo (24)
DotHackSlashSlashSign (.hack//SIGN) (26)
DoubleDecker? (13)
DragonHalf (2)
Dullalala?! (24)
EdenOfTheEast? (11)
Erased (12, /AfterHours?)
EsOtherwise (26)
EurekaSeven (50)
EverythingBecomesF?:ThePerfectInsider? (11)
ExcelSaga (10 of 26)
ExDriver? (6)
FantasticChildren (26)
Fate/Zero? (25)
FinalFantasyUnlimited (2 of 26)
FruitsBasket (26)
FullMetalAlchemist (51)
FullMetalAlchemist: Brotherhood (64)
FullMetalPanic (26)
FullMetalPanic: SecondRaid? (13)
FuneWoAmu? (11)
FushigiYuugi? (52)
GakkouGurashi? (12)
Gamers (12)
GaReiZero? (12)
GatchamanCrowds? (12)
GekkanShoujoNozakiKun? (12)
Genshiken (11)
GhostInTheShell:Innocence (film)
GhostInTheShell: StandAloneComplex? S1 (26)
GhostInTheShell: StandAloneComplex? S2 (26)
GhostInTheShell: Arise (10)
GiantRobo (7)
GirlsLastTour? (12)
Gravitation (13, /MarathonShowing)
GreatTeacherOnizuka (19, /MarathonShowing and random weeks thereafter)
GrimoireOfZero? (12)
GuardianOfTheSacredSpirit? (SeireiNoMoribito?) (26)
GunBuster (6)
GunslingerGirl S1 (13)
GunslingerGirl: IlTeatrino? (13)
HaibaneRenmei (13)
HappySugarLife? (12)
Hataraku Maou-Sama (13)
HeatGuyJ? (26)
Hinamatsuri (12)
HousekiNoKuni? (LandOfTheLustrous?, 12)
HouseOfFiveLeaves? (12)
Hyouka (22)
IMyMeStrawberryEggs (13)
IriyaNoSoraUFONoNatsu? (6)
Interstella5555 (film)
IrresponsibleCaptainTylor (26; twice!)
JokerGame? (12)
JubeiChan (13)
JubeiChan 2
JungleWaItsumoHaleNochiGuu (26)
JuuniKokki (48 or so, /MarathonShowing)
JyuOhSei? (11)
KareKano (26)
Katanagatari (12 x 1hour)
KillLaKill? (25)
KimiGaNozomuEien (14, /MarathonShowing)
KinosJourney? (13)
KnightsOfSidonia? (12)
KnightsOfSidonia? S2 (12)
KokoWaGreenwood? (6)
KurauPhantomMemory (24)
LastExile (26)
MacrossPlus (4)
MadeInAbyss? (13)
Mahoromatic (4 of 26)
MahoutsukaiTai/TVSeries? (26)
MahoutsukaiTai/OAV (6)
MarchComesInLikeALion? (22)
MarchComesInLikeALion? season 2 (22)
Megalobox (13)
MoonlightMile? seasons 1&2 (26)
Monster (74)
MouretsuPirates? (26)
Moyashimon? (11)
Nadesico (26)
NaruTaru (AKA ShadowStar, 13, /MarathonShowing)
NeonGenesisEvangelion (26, /MarathonShowing)
NHKNiYoukozo? (24)
NieaUnderSeven (13)
No.6 (11)
Noir (26)
Noragami (12)
NoragamiAragoto? (13)
NowAndThenHereAndThere (13)
NetjuuNoSusume? (10)
OnePunchMan? (12)
OneWeekFriends? (12)
OutlawStar (26)
ParanoiaAgent (13)
PlanetES (26)
PomPoko (film)
PrincessTutu (26)
PsychoPass? (22)
PsychoPass? season 2 (11)
RanmaHalf (18) (1st Series)
ReadOrDie (3)
ReLife? (13)
RequiemForThePhantom? (26)
RevolutionaryGirlUtena (39)
RoboticsNotes? (22)
RoseOfVersailles (40)
RozenMaiden? (13 or so)
RozenMaidenTraumend? (12)
SaiKano? (13)
SaiKano? OAVs (2)
SakamichiNoApollon? (KidsOnTheSlope?) (12)
SamuraiChamploo (26)
ScrappedPrincess (26)
SerialExperimentsLain (26)
ShamanicPrincess? (6)
Shingetsutan TsukiHime (12)
ShinSekaiYori? (25)
Shirobako (24)
ShoukekuNoAltair? (24)
ShowaGenrokuRakugoShinju? S1 (13)
ShowaGenrokuRakugoShinju? S2 (12)
SilverSpoon? (11)
Simoun (26)
SlayersNext (26)
SlayersTry (26)
SlayersRevolution? (13) and SlayersEvolutionR? (13)
Sola (13)
SoraYoriMoTooiBasho? (4/13)
SpiceAndWolf? (13)
SpiritOfWonder? OAV (2)
SSSS.Gridman (12)
StarshipOperators (13)
SteinsGate? (24)
SteinsGate0? (23)
StellviaOfTheUniverse (26)
SuiseiNoGargantia? (13)
SwordArtOnline? (25)
TamakoMarket? (12)
TatamiGalaxy? (11)
TerrorInResonance? (11)
TheBigO? (26)
TheMelancholyOfSuzumiyaHaruhi (14)
TheOneBeingSung (Utawarerumono) (26)
TheVisionOfEscaflowne? (26)
TigerAndBunny? (25)
ToraDora?! (25)
TowerOfDruaga? (24)
TriGun (26)
TrinityBlood (24)
Tsuritama (12)
TweenyWitches (40 15 min episodes)
TwilightQ (2)
UchoutenKazoku? (13)
UchoutenKazoku? S2 (12)
ValkyriaChronicles? (26)
ValvraveTheLiberator? (24)
VioletEvergarden? (13)
VisionOfEscaflowne (26)
WhenTheSeagullsCry? (26)
WitchBlade? (24)
WitchHunterRobin (26)
WolfsRain (30)
Xam'd (26)
XTv (24, /MarathonShowing)
YamiNoMatsuei (13, /MarathonShowing)
YokohamaKaidashiKikou (four OVAs)
Zaion? (4)
Zipang? (26)
ZombielandSaga? (12)

See also

CategoryAnime CategorySociety; see also Events, ["Yay, everyone - it's Wednesday!"] ["We cannot eat this tomato soup because without it there will be no Wednesdays."]

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Last edited November 2, 2024 11:07 pm (viewing revision 1508, which is the newest) (diff)